Submitted by blitzz41 t3_10n2n4o in MechanicalKeyboards
rural_villager t1_j66le79 wrote
How long have you been in this Iraqi prison?
35mmpapi t1_j66myu6 wrote
Love those key caps
LostNtranslation_ t1_j66o0nn wrote
DMmeHardIntegrals t1_j66pntm wrote
It’s a bit small
patcoll t1_j66pwx6 wrote
Justin2166 t1_j66q97v wrote
Which case is that?
BarbiePotty t1_j66s5vg wrote
SoreThroatGiraffe t1_j66t2tx wrote
Too close. Can you zoom out a bit?
TheJerdle t1_j66t411 wrote
Anyone know what kind of lightbulb this is?
Kazozz t1_j66unod wrote
most sane 40% user
Visible-Evidence t1_j66vmla wrote
World number 1 in cable management.
andycandy17 t1_j66wl9q wrote
Nice desk. Love it.
andycandy17 t1_j66wlxt wrote
codeystein t1_j66y92q wrote
pretty clean!
TheShakyDiver t1_j66zqme wrote
Titled: ‘Artists impression of a 40’
Lost-Bee-7507 t1_j67326u wrote
Is this modern art?
Batabatuta- t1_j673yt3 wrote
damn someone dropped their 40% in the backrooms
blitzz41 OP t1_j674q5i wrote
Was about to paint the room then realized it was good opportunity haha
blitzz41 OP t1_j674rda wrote
Planck v6
fixedsabat t1_j677s8z wrote
This is what the backrooms look like
bk0208 t1_j678tq2 wrote
“Sold everything just to get the endgame 40%”
codytranum t1_j679t2g wrote
b r i g h t
CotswoldP t1_j67abky wrote
I know the keyboard habit is expensive, but to even sell you computer seems extreme
blitzz41 OP t1_j67ad0y wrote
Had to make room to fit the keeb
Crypervescent t1_j67ah42 wrote
Sold all his furniture to build a 40%
Strawberryboytoy t1_j67as30 wrote
Keeb in the backrooms
uraniumX9 t1_j67cjqg wrote
next time put your keyboard on your roof
wait for google maps to take satellite pic
take screenshot
BanditoPicante t1_j67eiii wrote
I have to say, this is the funniest post I’ve ever seen on this subreddit
pro_questions t1_j67fh93 wrote
This is exactly how I imagine the house of someone that uses a 40% — there’s minimal, and then there’s minimal
[deleted] t1_j67fjnw wrote
That's right.... place it on the floor..... walk slowly away.... back up the stairs.... off with the light... now close the door slowly... but firmly. Lock it.
Now go and buy a 75% and never do this again.
DaisukiYo t1_j67gssn wrote
Your SCP-173 moved. Be careful.
CCO812 t1_j67hfjm wrote
This is exactly how I imagined a 40% user's room to be like
Independent_Bad_9615 t1_j67i0vi wrote
Professional basement dweller
squidbait t1_j67j76p wrote
Looks like a trap
UncleFudley t1_j67jd3o wrote
idk why but i'm getting the same vibes as that waffle falling over meme
coalxxx t1_j67ls38 wrote
Stuart_Munto t1_j67mhtk wrote
It’s too big - taking up too much valuable floor space
toastednutella t1_j67nhk2 wrote
It’s average
StinkyWeezle t1_j67ousv wrote
There's so much room for activities!
DatAsspiration t1_j67pf93 wrote
Please, PLEASE tell me that this basement is 40% finished in this photo as well
Vhlorrhu t1_j67pko0 wrote
Looks like SCP-40%.
madmaurice t1_j67rykx wrote
It's a 40%. You don't need to make room.
KidBoomah t1_j67syo0 wrote
It demands space; tho it requires none..
triplestackks t1_j67t5xh wrote
I like it
triplestackks t1_j67t6x6 wrote
Anything for the keeb
madmaurice t1_j67tdau wrote
Good point. I guess I can never afford a 40% then, I don't have enough room to fit the majestic aura inside as well. 😅
gfinch180 t1_j67u2pm wrote
Op what happened
ravstar52 t1_j67wc04 wrote
MF speedran the keeb. "Spend money on furniture? Lmao no."
40% any% PB
blitzz41 OP t1_j67wv3g wrote
Moved to new house
gfinch180 t1_j67wwat wrote
Did you sell your old one for the 40%?
blitzz41 OP t1_j67x7g2 wrote
blitzz41 OP t1_j67xh55 wrote
Yeah had to downgrade houses
blitzz41 OP t1_j67xjxq wrote
Probably like 60% now I painted it after the photo
jh0 t1_j6801jk wrote
Mom's basement
kindlemint t1_j6808w8 wrote
POV: You've just accidentally dropped a keyboard and the prison inmate behind you is telling you to pick it up.
xizmn t1_j680wkb wrote
Bro built it in the backrooms
AgVargr t1_j6827jr wrote
OlimPather t1_j682n1w wrote
DDman70 t1_j683qub wrote
The gangs all here
Isenhoowa t1_j684a93 wrote
That is some really nicely flat floor perfect for SPC flooring to go with your keyboard.
HighEfficiencyAction t1_j684cvy wrote
0.4% keyboard
Hoarthax t1_j685oac wrote
How did you send this to us from the backrooms?
boadie t1_j685sct wrote
Don’t panic but your whole battlestation is gone.
[deleted] t1_j6870k2 wrote
PhoenixUNI t1_j688ewo wrote
Having a hard time getting a sense of scale, do you have a banana
SeriTools t1_j688z2t wrote
liminal 40%
BiosEthereal t1_j68cuck wrote
And all it took was for you to sell everything in your apartment, apparently, hence the keyboard in an empty room, right?
BFNentwick t1_j68dfh0 wrote
Lmao. I thought I was in r/homeimprovement and was super confused for a minute.
dsdoll t1_j68dy6y wrote
Then you hold down a key and all the furniture appears :peepoHappy:
Kokonuz_Sk t1_j68e2jk wrote
loving your photography skills 😍
Jungler34 t1_j68g31s wrote
This is insanity to the max
SteeleDynamics t1_j68iovr wrote
No distractions, only type.
Ahegao_Double_Peace t1_j68jbfe wrote
Still cleaner than what me and boys stayed in during our university years XD
dannypas00 t1_j68l38h wrote
shinji257 t1_j68lne0 wrote
Sold the computer to get the keyboard eh?
Acedrew89 t1_j68mk5k wrote
The acoustics in there must really thocc!
noahdimarco t1_j68qeyz wrote
He needed the f-row just as much as he needed a computer, and he needed the number row just as much as he needed furniture
BigotedCodeine t1_j68qkj7 wrote
this has got to be in my top 5 best photos of their mechanical keyboard.
Its_pasta_time_69 t1_j68rkgs wrote
14/10 photo quality tbh
testsubjectsmile t1_j68ug49 wrote
This time next year that room will be full of keyboards
Ok_Carry_7645 t1_j68uo0u wrote
Straight from IKEA, I see...
ITSUREN t1_j68v3iv wrote
C'mon man, why you gotta zoom that much, can't see anything. Try zooming out a bit more next time.
Djcproductions t1_j68wtoo wrote
I had to check the sub for a second.
mn1308 t1_j68xz7l wrote
Dude just casually found a 40% mechanical keyboard in the backrooms
xKAROSx t1_j690qo0 wrote
Gonna show this to my fiancé the next time she asks me “where are your priorities??”
lambchoplives t1_j69271h wrote
lmao so bizarre I love it
Temporary-Ad-3546 t1_j69cns8 wrote
Need banana for size reference
airyrice t1_j69fddc wrote
Entity 4040.
Entity 4040 is a presumably inanimate object. It appears to be a keyboard, most of the time mechanical, with RGB
Interaction with the entity is heavily discouraged, as some wanderers who happened to touch it and even connect it to one of their devices reportedly began following a cult with two gods they refer to as "Clack" and "Thock". This has been labelled by the M. E. G. as the "4040 cult following" which is consistently growing due to the large amount of wanderers unbeknowingly coming in contact with the entity
Additionally, the keyboard may be rigged with something "4040 cult" followers have called "blue switches" which have been deemed "perfect for typing at a library". Despite this claim, activating the keyboard's keys is not recommended, as the noise from these "blue switches" happens to be loud enough and may attract nearby entities, sometimes also causing hearing loss to the unsuspecting wanderer
Incident 23852
One severe case involved of "4040 cult following" involved a wanderer attacking another wanderer in front of an M. E. G member, breaking their ribs by repeatedly hitting them in the back, then screaming "where's the thock?!". The attacking wanderer then proceeded to scratch the skin off the victim's back and stab it with a brush coated with some slicky substance the cult follower referred to as "Krytox 205g0" because "his back was too scratchy" and did not have enough "thock". After this act was finished, the attacker produced a sheet of foam from their pockets and proceeded to line the wound with it, exclaiming that "there is too much twang from the noise spreading from the plate to the PCB" and after the lining was finished, once again beat up the now presumably dead victim once again and screamed "Finally! Thock" and ran off to never be found or heard of again.
Entity 4040A and 4040B controversy
Some M. E. G members have repported seeing, often at a distance and in conditions where it seemed more like a hallucination, an entity with a brush and a keyboard in hand, much resembling an Insanity or Skin Stealer due to the humanoid but dismembered and threatening look. (4040A) Others have seen similar monsters with stabbing wounds and pieces of foam, as well as other technology or materials, including household tape, sticking out of their backs. (4040B) Interaction with the former has never been established nor attempted, but is presumably dangerous and the mechanicsm through which other entities are turned into 4040B could be entity 4040A's attack. A singular interaction with 4040B has been established, but bizarrely enough, the entity did not do anything but produce strange clicky sounds.
Despite this evidence, 4040A and 4040B are not unanimously considered entities, since they are, by some, presumed to be mangled and injured versions of other entities, and the fact that they appear systematically may simply be a result of "cult 4040" being a systematic and systemic ocurrence that stems from wanderers being unwary of what looks to be an innocent looking keyboard.
- Discourage other wanderers from touching or inspecting the entity.
- Report all sightings of entity 4040 to M. E. G agents.
- Touch the entity, more specifically, press on any of the keys.
- Use the words "clack" or "thock" with other wanderers, as this may provoke dangerous interest towards "cult 4040"
Student-Final t1_j69gkuw wrote
utopia camera shots or something
EmpireCityRay t1_j69ibpv wrote
Came for this!
AelliotA1 t1_j69ic3h wrote
Keyboards with threatening auras
Creeper39x_YT t1_j69qt7i wrote
It's a keyboard.
Who would have ever known?
Wishbone51 t1_j69zdzd wrote
I always end up eating the banana before I can take a pic.
-SilentHill- t1_j6a0syr wrote
Your keyboard seems to have come with a free house! Nice
Imkindaalrightiguess t1_j6a5hlx wrote
juanqg t1_j6a9k16 wrote
First thought “Good you have space to hold the followers…” I don’t understand yet why one is just not enough, after going through almost all sizes now I’m 3D printing the case and handwiring… my wife only tells me “is that (yet) another keyb you making?”
ThePupnasty t1_j6aa3ew wrote
Still too big, go smaller.
LeonValenti t1_j6abdke wrote
Accurate room for the price of endgame 40s
Engibineer t1_j6ae2bm wrote
What the hell, man.
SaladOfArugula t1_j6af7j6 wrote
get doxed
aurorahborealis t1_j6ahtsk wrote
"Nice gaming setup" - my fiance
theblazehead16 t1_j6ai0o9 wrote
Why’s it so far away
blitzz41 OP t1_j6am99s wrote
Altruistic_Health_38 t1_j6ardsh wrote
More like 4% relative to the room lmao
CableMod t1_j6as42w wrote
would send you a free cable but it looks like you wouldn't have enough space for it.
Keks_btw t1_j6atfoj wrote
Love the keycaps. What’s the name of those?
blitzz41 OP t1_j6au4o2 wrote
I have another room I could store the cable in
blitzz41 OP t1_j6au7sz wrote
OLKB Planck Acute keycaps
Keks_btw t1_j6aubtv wrote
Didn’t expect an answer cause I literally can’t see shit but still thanks lmao
CableMod t1_j6avd7p wrote
you’re quite funny - I like it !
Kyoto_DreamBoy t1_j6ax1j5 wrote
It was a tight squeeze getting it in there, but made it work!
Rob27shred t1_j6b20pi wrote
It's Guantanamo Bay for keebs! 😱jk, jk
Cranbehry t1_j6b2eyj wrote
Beautiful minimalist setup
piotrphrampton t1_j6bcqx4 wrote
Bare essentials kind of user
blitzz41 OP t1_j6bcvy4 wrote
Cable mod
blitzz41 OP t1_j6bg3rd wrote
I have some nice brown laminate coming
wtupyo907 t1_j6bhzhz wrote
Watching Last of Us while they are in the museum and see this creepy mechanical keyboard post LOL 😂 love it!!!
Suspicious-Slide-116 t1_j6bmzun wrote
Fantastic use of space.
zxtech t1_j6cnkr5 wrote
This is Stanley. He presses buttons for a living. Sometimes the buttons thocc
TouchMyKeyboard t1_j6d26my wrote
First 40% but looks like a scene from The First 48…
SkittishLittleToastr t1_j6lzidf wrote
I can't tell... columnar layout?
Inigmatics t1_j66jaic wrote
For a minute I thought you were talking about the project completion, but then I saw it.