Submitted by Speight-Merch t3_11ebe80
Submitted by Verseus_Tahl t3_11dtzy6
Submitted by SmallT808 t3_11doia6
Submitted by MirageXero t3_11do9dg
Submitted by Jammiees t3_11dkz6f
Submitted by Laneware_Keys t3_11bx9rl
Submitted by crassle t3_11dp1rv
Submitted by ThoccAF t3_11c2mh3
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_11e0hl2
today's objective:satisfying amount of click without irritating other students. think my akko cream blues can handle it?
Submitted by heereism t3_11dnvva
Submitted by Lei_Fuzzion t3_11d8uuo
Submitted by what-shoe t3_11dkgom
Submitted by quintessa_ t3_11dgp37
Submitted by MahouShounenW t3_11d4pvb
Submitted by BaconLover57 t3_11b8bwf
Submitted by na8-blk t3_11ddj24
Submitted by reenbeens t3_11dfwam
Submitted by Robnayt t3_11d70qb
Submitted by ruairihair t3_11cqhrr
Submitted by mediumrare_chicken t3_11drrbd
Submitted by socwispy t3_11csz1p
So I now own both discord keyboards... and I'm disappointed in the quality drop from the first discord keyboard to the next found 5 screws rattling around in the new nitro one
Submitted by xLinka-YT t3_11diayv
Submitted by storm8ring3r t3_1192ytz
Submitted by pabloescobyte t3_116v8oq