Submitted by dededecline t3_10efodj
New samples of a rainbow connector! I'm considering getting more, possibly in aviator form. Does this match any themes? I'm wondering what people here think.
Submitted by joe_mechcables t3_10patbd
Submitted by nicolas_33 t3_zjwap6
Submitted by MahouShounenW t3_zv3ndw
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zxzntm
Submitted by ZestyGait t3_z7t11i
Submitted by Keeb-Weeb t3_yvvtdt
Submitted by eliminatedalljuice t3_ygetw6
Submitted by Threezero03 t3_11a91gy
Submitted by jkrkvld t3_11832l5
Submitted by One-Bus-9006 t3_10ltu36
Submitted by DubstepHippo t3_10hhyar
Submitted by Szelemii t3_zufn72
Submitted by midnightstriker t3_ztsd9z
Submitted by 1337Poesn t3_zeqnm1
Submitted by WheresTheCheez t3_zymgad
[Tachyteros Teaser] Prototype mechanical keyboard, keycapless, <0.5mm travel, self designed PCB+++ [See Comment]
Submitted by Keeb-Weeb t3_zqmwmo
Submitted by tertius_decimus t3_z3gmgc
Submitted by thatguyrenic t3_z0ectf
Submitted by biscuit_consumer t3_yfjhjm
Submitted by [deleted] t3_127tcox
Submitted by babegretzky t3_1193xkr
Finished my first ever mechanical keyboard build! The KBDCraft Kit Adam! Amazing since the case is made of LEGOs!
Submitted by Reddit_newguy24 t3_10iusze
Submitted by Tanmay583 t3_10ifk6z
Submitted by PinkylyMe t3_zxdgw1