Submitted by JezCon t3_1040fwf
Submitted by ThatChapThere t3_z056dn
Submitted by Regolith_ t3_yon5wy
Submitted by phero1190 t3_z61j2x
Submitted by turnturnturnturn t3_10x4v17
Submitted by phero1190 t3_z6186a
Submitted by storm8ring3r t3_1192ytz
Submitted by Comfortable_Mango_11 t3_10mvfgn
Submitted by shnazzyotter t3_10nsonx
Submitted by bchn t3_zz4el4
Submitted by codefame t3_y2lukr
Submitted by Yrense t3_10oumtd
Submitted by Jazzlike_Spite2458 t3_zw9yyu
Submitted by RiderInNature t3_z5aw1g
The works we machined for Bekeneko 60/65 variation . We are glad to show the previous works we done in public :) Once you have Keyboard need DIY machining can reach out to me (PM me) MOQ=1 , but prefer production . Guide you on the design , the width for logo engraving for CNC is at least 1mm
Submitted by DentistIllustrious t3_yfhxtf
Submitted by Agent9911 t3_10o3ple
Submitted by Deadot t3_10o2s9g
Submitted by MicoEstavillo t3_y3q2k8
Submitted by NikoLeven t3_11fg8fw
Submitted by ch1197 t3_10l8ih5
Are ergo boards allowed here? This is the Fulcrum keyboard, it's a 20-key ergo-mech with horizontal 5-way switches for added thumb functionality
Submitted by ghostfaceschiller t3_10fe9mi
Submitted by maschine0 t3_ygnmu0
Submitted by kaythethrowaway t3_114drru
Submitted by MyNanRipCones t3_zze50h