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NandoFlynn t1_j9znj9e wrote

You've clearly never listened to music from Nas then, or any female rapper, or any of the hundreds of hip hop artists worldwide that don't mention what you're on about.


Dyslexic_Devil t1_j9ztudl wrote

"Hundreds" worldwide isnt many!!

...there are websites that track the use of language in rap and hip hop.

Guess the words that make the most used words in the genre.

The facts are there. I'm not taking away for Nas or his abilities.


lordbub t1_ja091rc wrote

the fact is that you don't want to put any effort into expanding your knowledge of the genre


Dyslexic_Devil t1_ja0s7no wrote

"The fact is" you have no idea about my knowledge of the genre.

Fact is, there has been data collated about the language used in rap music...and you can guess what it boils down to.


lordbub t1_ja0srr3 wrote

You've exposed your own lack of knowledge about the genre and expect others not to notice? judging any genre by the top lyrics will make the seem boring and repetitive. the top rock lyrics would be just as generic. a lot of "baby, yeah, no, love, girl, heart, night" etc


Dyslexic_Devil t1_ja0ti6k wrote

"You've exposed your own lack of knowledge", explain the exposè?

I pointed out a fact.

I've heard enough rap music over the years...been to festival witnessed plenty of big acts live.