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wildadragon t1_ja1sjlx wrote

RHCP, Foo Fighters, FFDP Five Finger Death Punch, Green Day, to name a few


BurnOutBrighter6 t1_ja1sw5r wrote

To help you get more answers, see this note from the sidebar:

>For recommendations of new artists similar to those you already like, use /r/ifyoulikeblank


imatt t1_ja1tjqa wrote

Street Sweeper Social Club


Fox_Ensox t1_ja1vjsa wrote

3 of my favorites too. You might try 'Elephant Tree' and 'Mars Red Sky'. But really those 3 bands have no contemporaries I've found that aren't poorer imitations. For that you could look at 'Rishloo' and 'Soen' who are both Tool soundalikes.

Nobody can replace Zack de la Rocha, so you could check out his early stuff with 'Inside Out' and the 'one day as a lion' EP. Also give 'Rollins Band' a try, starting with Low Self Opinion.

Assuming you like the early Beastie Boys stuff, rather than the Intergalactic era, than maybe 'Eric B & Rakim', 'Jungle Brothers', 'Wiseguys' & 'Funky 4 +1'


Echo7bravo t1_ja1yxgw wrote

You probably already heard Prophets of Rage. Try some nerdcore.


flatulentmatt t1_ja204gs wrote

Porcupine Tree. I think you'll love them being into Tool. Their older stuff is quite Floydish but they start bringing in metal elements around Lightbulb Sun and they get into Tool territory. Give In Absentia a listen.


peppercorns666 t1_ja205wi wrote

Refused? as a kid of the 80s it connected me to sone sounds of the 70s… but then of the 90s? try it.


takethe6 t1_ja21k4v wrote

Give Soulfly a try, start with the early stuff.


Emkeyson6941 t1_ja21ko8 wrote

Behemoth. Their an Extreme Black/Death Metal band from Gdańsk, Poland


DifficultyOk5719 t1_ja23k1m wrote

The Ocean is a bit more aggressive. They have screaming, but they remind me of tool, especially the track Jurassic | Cretacious. I’d recommend checking out Phanerozoic II or Pelagial.


PricelessLogs t1_ja25x2p wrote

Tool you say? Check out Karnivool, Rishloo, Fair to Midland, Leprous, Haken, VOLA, and Caligula's Horse

Too many people hear Tool and think it's great but never dive any deeper into modern prog. There's a whole genre of that stuff!

Edit: also Porcupine Tree and The Ocean, like others said. If you like heavier stuff, then check out Gojira, Slice The Cake, Rivers of Nihil, The Contortionist, and Meshuggah


Dcoonery t1_ja2k67h wrote

If you want to go down a rabbit hole of weirdness unlike anything you’ve heard before check out Coil


huge_mclarge t1_ja2p4sr wrote

rock: queens of the stone age, mastodon, mudvayne, gojira

indie: spoon, the shins, the kills, arcade fire

old school alternative: pixies, the cure, siouxsie & the banshees, the smiths

rap/hip hop: tribe called quest, de la soul, prof, kendrick lamar


fishified1 t1_ja2qkoq wrote

Try some Ozric Tentacles. Might quell that angst.


punkhead101 t1_ja2rbdz wrote

Go listen to Relationship of command by At the Drive-in.

I think you will dig it :-)


TheAmigdala t1_ja328ew wrote

Fugazi,Melvins, Suicide Tendencies,Black Flag/Henry Rollins...


haushinka-spl t1_ja36ayt wrote

If you like those bands, maybe Turnstile and/or All them witches


Williams_Theme t1_ja39x4a wrote

Cibo Matto.
Female hip-hop duo from New York, and one of the Beastie Boys, I think Mike D, helped get their first album made. He also did a remix of one of their songs.
I really love their debut album "Viva! La Woman".


ChefPneuma t1_ja3i08w wrote

Check out The Mars Volta….super crazy all over the place with wild musicality, drumming and vocals

King Buffalo All Them Witches Opeth Nine Inch Nails


Micahman311 t1_ja3ut86 wrote

Foxy Shazam

Rock band, somewhat Queen-like. They have changed a lot from the early days, to the middle days, to now.

Early days were (I'm not good with various genre names, so take these loosely) screamo, middle days were the Queen-like rock, and afterwards they went Gonzo.

Larger than life live shows, if you happen to attend one.

For me, the sweet spot is the Self-Titled album and it's follow-up, The Church of Rock & Roll. That would be albums 3 and 4, if you include their self released first album The Flamingo Trigger.

Anyway, basically no one ever reports back to me whether or not they've actually listened to the band after I suggest them, but they are awesome and deserve to be heard.


Gus_with_a_G t1_ja3wvvw wrote


Kaptan Kadavra





dozier13 t1_ja48d1j wrote

At The Drive in Refused Run the Jewels Deftones Glassjaw


MDS1138 t1_ja4e4oj wrote

Check out Algiers. Kind of a dark, electronic-infused take on the post-punk genre, a singer with a great kind of gritty old-R&B voice. They just put out a new record this week and Zach from RATM guests on a song, so there's the connection to something you're into already.


Dark-Myst t1_ja4p2k1 wrote

Since you like Tool, I assume you're already a fan of A Perfect Circle and Puscifer?