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The_Flying_Dog OP t1_jacmsjs wrote

Subreddit here: /r/1001AlbumsGenerator

I know this has been shared in here before, but i've now reached 800 albums out of the 1001 albums in the list so i thought i'd make a short post about it.

It's a great little site that will help you to listen to one album each day, all taken from this book. Buy it and read up on the albums if you wish, or do like me and just read the Wikipedia entrance for each album generated to you.

Knowing the history behind the album and why it was added to the book really helps to appreciate stuff you might have not liked otherwise.

I went into this challenge a few years ago as i was mainly listening to the same old stuff on repeat. It has broaden my musical taste in a great way and i've learnt a lot about some great musicians and how certain (sub)genres were born out of other genres.

Here's a few highlights i've discovered that i had previously only heard about (or a few selected songs), but not listened to from beginning to end.

Nina Simeone - Wild Is The Wind

Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman

Duran Duran - Rio

Tom Waits - Rain Dog

Dolly Parton - Coat Of Many Colors

Wire - Pink Flag

Herbie Hancock - Head Hunters


Dhd710 t1_jactvm4 wrote

Give me one reason is an all-time favorite.


QueensOfTheBronzeAge t1_jacty37 wrote

I think we may have given the site the hug of death.

I’ll need to check it out later, because that sounds really interesting.


O_G_Douggy_Nutty t1_jacu8p1 wrote

I listened to Rolling Stones 500 albums from 500 to 1 a few years back. I did it in about six months. More recently I listened to 1001 songs you must hear before you die in chronological order along with the book.

I might do this book now, skipping the overlaps. However, I have a physical media collection of CDs and records just shy off 2,000 albums (a few overlaps) hundreds of which I haven't listened to yet. In addition, I have tens of thousands of digital files that haven't been seen in forever.

I go on discovery rabbit holes and acquire stuff faster than I can listen to it.


cobywaan t1_jacurgx wrote

I am 448 into the same list. Definitely agree with

Nina Simeone - Wild Is The Wind

Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman

Dolly Parton - Coat Of Many Colors

as previously unknown to me that I definitely enjoyed.

There is a bit too much 60's Brit rock for my taste, feels like it is 20% of the experience, but overall I am happy I am doing it.

My desire for it waxes and wanes a bit, and I am currently in a bit of a lull. How do you feel about it being more or less twice as far into it as me?


MikeLanglois t1_jacwnbk wrote

Im on day 300 or so, found some great albums, some not so great. Will be upset when I finish tbh


tiorzol t1_jacwspb wrote

Cool, thanks for this. I'm in!


nagasy t1_jacy7l7 wrote

will definitely try this out. Added a daily reminder on my phone to follow up.

My first album is Blondie - parallel llines



shart_or_fart t1_jad0pgk wrote

Wish they had this for a song a day. For me, sticking with an album a day is a bit more challenging.


Scapp t1_jad0tgs wrote

Ah thank you very much! So the site is just to help select the next album. I really appreciate it! The book looks super interesting and I'll probably pick it up


uglycycle t1_jad0z8r wrote

>There is a bit too much 60's Brit rock for my taste, feels like it is 20% of the experience

Oh man, yes! I gave up initially because I got like 12 days in a row of Brit rock and just got tired. I'm starting up again and got Brit rock first day but it wasn't so bad. I think I'll skip some of those days this time around and search out something from around the world when they come up.


ohbigboy t1_jad1pg8 wrote

I’m currently at 835. Like you, Nina Simone was even better than expected and I’ve found myself listening to even more of her stuff. The one big call out I’d like to make is Bill Evans whose album, Sunday at the Village Vanguard was #30. Was totally new to me and I’m now a big fan of his and have been working through his discography.


The_Flying_Dog OP t1_jad224p wrote

Yea, and it will also give you some stats based on your ratings. Such as your favorite genre, favorite decade, etc.

It's also pretty funny to read other users reviews for the albums.


joshhupp t1_jad291q wrote

I just started something similar about 4 years ago for the same reason. Popular music has gotten too homogenous and it's hard to find new rock bands so I'm traveling back in time. I pulled up the wiki page of all albums released in my birth year ('76) and have listened to every album on that list regardless of genre. I'm currently in 1991, arguably the best year for music in all genres (so far.) I usually listen to 3 to 6 albums while I'm working. It's been an interesting experience and I've found some great albums that I've never heard of. I really got held up in my progress with Turtle Soup by the Mock Turtles. I listened to it on repeat for two days. I can't believe they never made it big. Perhaps it was too close to grunge hitting the airwaves.


lereisn t1_jad2cou wrote

I tried doing this at the height of the pandemic but had to abandon it as just never had the time to listen to a full album. I'm lucky now that I work from home and don't have distractions. Its my new morning ritual, Get coffee, login st work, start the album.

The good thing is that a lot of the albums are from a few decades back so relatively short albums 30-40 mins.


kp_centi t1_jad2g1j wrote

So is this gonna just be English / Popular Western English music or is there a variety?


MikeLanglois t1_jad4ert wrote

I only have 3 that are one star (34 at 2star, 62 at 3star, 149 at 4star, 63 at 5star)

The 1*s

A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spencer - Various Artists

Miriam Makeba - Miriam Makeba

Woodface - Crowded House


TACO_TOM_69 t1_jad6271 wrote

This is incredible! I just started something recently by listening to Rolling Stones top 500 albums but this site seems a lot nicer! Thanks for starting me on this journey!


shart_or_fart t1_jad67wz wrote

That's good if they are short. Got to just carve out time for it. I go on walks, so that would be a good time to do it.

Hard part is that I have all these other things I listen to like audiobooks, podcasts, and news articles. So something has to give there.


The_Flying_Dog OP t1_jad78mn wrote

I know what you mean, but don't see it as a huge problem.

At first i asked myself "how is this one of the best 1001 albums ever" quite often, but now i've kinda accepted the fact that it's all very subjective, and the author(s) arent saying it's the best albums. Just albums they think i should listen to. And most of them do have some interesting background when i read up on them.

My US rating is higher than my UK though, if i look at my history (but i've had way more US albums than UK, so i guess if anything i would like more non US/UK stuff).


smithy1294 t1_jad7frj wrote

Day 1 - Linkin Park : Hybrid Theory I unfortunately think it's all going to be downhill from here


The_Flying_Dog OP t1_jad7nt2 wrote

More or less.

It's 85% UK or US and 15% other.

I think i read that the introduction in the book mentions this aswell; that it's western
music mainly. I'm fine with that, whenever i get a non western album it's a nice little rabbit hole though and i usually find other artist to listen to through that way.


hilgi t1_jad8seo wrote

How have I not heard of this before?



Lumiloop t1_jad9eat wrote

Love this! First album was the Isley brothers 3+3 and I’m loving it. Never made the connection that “I” by Kendrick Lamar samples “That Lady” until listening to it just now.


MrC_Red t1_jad9h8l wrote

I'm going something similar with only Rock albums, as I only listened to rap growing up so everything is pretty much new to me, aside from the popular hit songs. I do 25 albums per months, which is somewhat enough time to give them all multiple listens.

So I always wondered for people who do the "1 Album A Day", how many times do you listen to it? A good amount of my favorite albums from Rock are ones that I didn't like or thought it was average on the first listen, and I personally find listening to the same album again in a short time frame burns it out for me.


cobywaan t1_jad9nmg wrote

Oh shit, yeah, I got that one the other day and man, I was 14 when that came out and loved it. Apparently, it was even better than I remembered it. Every song is such a banger.


maniutin t1_jada8lt wrote

listened to the whole list twice

it is a great starting point and can teach quite a lot about 60s-90s music


Deadfishfarm t1_jadb8gd wrote

I listened to an album a day for a few months a few years ago. I stopped holding myself to the goal because I found it didn't take long to more or less totally forget what my opinion of each album was. Listening through an album 1 time doesn't give it a chance to stick.


cobywaan t1_jadbhkh wrote

That is a good idea. I just checked and this is my break down

1 = 14

2 = 108

3 = 175

4 = 119

5 = 28

Will probably do the 1 and the 5s again when it is done. Though I do listen to some of the 5's in my day to day now.


cobywaan t1_jadbpp4 wrote

The 5's

Incubus Make Yourself

Kendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d city

The Offspring Smash

Nirvana MTV Unplugged In New York

Billy Joel The Stranger

Taylor Swift 1989

Fugees The Score

Queen A Night At The Opera

Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication

Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The Moon

Kanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

Kanye West The College Dropout

Metallica Metallica

Beatles Abbey Road

Thundercat Drunk

Michael Jackson Bad

AC/DC Back In Black

Michael Kiwanuka KIWANUKA

Boston Boston

Michael Jackson Off The Wall

R.E.M. Automatic For The People

Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV

Nirvana Nevermind

2Pac Me Against The World

Sly & The Family Stone There's A Riot Goin' On

Bob Marley & The Wailers Exodus

Nirvana In Utero

The Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots


cobywaan t1_jadbuii wrote

The 1's

Einstürzende Neubauten Kollaps

Barry Adamson Moss Side Story

Can Future Days

Queen Latifah All Hail the Queen

Blur Parklife

The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion Now I Got Worry

John Zorn Spy Vs. Spy: The Music Of Ornette Coleman

Faust Faust IV

Tom Waits Rain Dogs

Orbital Snivilisation

Julian Cope Peggy Suicide

Simple Minds New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84)

The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers

The Band The Band


NecessaryPear t1_jadduyq wrote

He’s one of my favs. My first exposure was kind of blue then it snowballed from there. I love the bill evans trio stuff, but one of my favorite albums right now is affinity. One of his later albums, recommend it if you dig the harmonica


PDGAreject t1_jadfz2m wrote

The Pretenders was a great find for me. Most people who have listened to any sort of classic rock radio have heard "Brass in Pocket" which was easily my least favorite song on the album. Super fun stuff


TBMachine t1_jadjuos wrote

I started this about a year ago when I saw it posted last time. Made it 3 days. They were good albums, tho... I just can't commit.


adrock_99 t1_jadjy9l wrote

Wow. This is incredible. This is why I joined this subreddit.


Leg0Block t1_jadk34w wrote

I read this as "anal bum day." :(


maxforce2869 t1_jadplqo wrote

Just goes to show how subjective music can be. I personally cannot fathom how someone could think Sticky Fingers is a bad album, but that's because it's one of my favorites. Everyone has different tastes and that's what makes music so all encompassing and brilliant.


salomey5 t1_jadsftn wrote

Gonna give this a shot. My first album: Archandroid by Janelle Monae (who blew my damn mind when i went to see her set to pass the time at a festival, and boy i wasn't disappointed. This pint-sized woman is a BEAST on stage!


cobywaan t1_jadv3t4 wrote

Yeah man, I just cannot stand the Stones. I know I am biased about it, but I just dislike all of their songs. I really tried to get past it with the records they have had on this list, and I have given different ones 2's or 3's, but overall, not for me and never will be.


fondue4kill t1_jadvoi5 wrote

Checked it out. First album Green Day “American Idiot”. One I already know.


Razatappa t1_jadwhdl wrote

yeesh, looking at their lowest rated and most controversial albums and I'm floored by how awful this project's collective tastes are. Birthday Party and Boards of Canada at sub 3 averages? No thanks.


reverber t1_jadwnks wrote

One has to be in the proper mood, too.

My favorite is Halber Mensch, perhaps because it was the first I heard (on a college radio station - I miss those days). Tabula Rasa is a nice album for me because it has a nice mix of the ambient (Blume) and the noisy (Headcleaner).

Swans are another of those bands that I love, but find very few people in my circle who agree.


xenophobe2020 t1_jadyjg4 wrote

Tried this out in 2021 i think... i just could not keep up with it. Awesome idea though.


irulethelemons t1_jae05q0 wrote

mfw the first one they give me is one of the only albums I’ve listened all the way through multiple times


Spanky_McJiggles t1_jae0bey wrote

First day: The Next Day - David Bowie

Not a super great start imo


volkmardeadguy t1_jae1hkm wrote

It's crazy how many of these I did for my album a day a few years ago. Good shit


jetogill t1_jae1nja wrote

I'm shocked that Mama Africa only got one star, I actually am listening to all the albums in chronological order (I do cheat from time to time and pick one at random), so I ended up listening to it in between albums of the same timeframe, now I'm wondering if it would have changed my perception of id listened to it among albums of a different time period, to me it seemed to really fit in with the other late 50s stuff.


GrossenCharakter t1_jae237h wrote

This is amazing! Officially on Day 1 then. Murmur by R.E.M, let's see how this goes!


Devayurtz t1_jaen27f wrote

What a wild thing to say. I understand where you’re coming from but pop music, the popular song, song form, and recorded music is inherently western. Sure it grew throughout the later half of the 20th century but to think that ANY list of pop music won’t be predominantly western is willfully ignorant.


ACAB_FOR_CUTIE_ t1_jaeomhq wrote

I started this challenge last year to fill in gaps in my music knowledge since I grew up on grunge and later and only know a little about previous eras.

I've found it very enjoyable but the editor is biased against some alt music and rails against emo music in a paragraph in the book. Some omissions include Weezer, Tool, Modest Mouse, Death Cab, 3EB, Jimmy Eat World and probably more I can't think off at the moment. Full list with all editions if you're curious


galvanizedrocknroll t1_jaes0mk wrote

This seems like a shitty way to enjoy music. No offense op. Instead do the same album for a week. See what you learn. (I'm being a little over dramatic. You do you. This just seems like an exercise in quantity rather than gaining any insight to artistic ability or nuance.)