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Scoobywagon t1_jab2189 wrote

Depends on your approach to these kinds of things. When I'm angry, I like listening to angry music. To that extent ... check out "Vulgar Display of Power" by Pantera.


fuckquasi69 t1_jab3apx wrote

Death - Spiritual Healing

Eyehategod - Take as needed for pain

High on Fire - Death is this Communion


Tony_Schiavone55 t1_jab3b0t wrote

"Ghost Reveries" by Opeth

"Coal" by Leprous

Tie between "Undertow" and "Ænima" by Tool


Bellablondie83 t1_jab3lda wrote

NIN- Only.
I like the whole album ( With Teeth) but this is my designated song to sing along with when I feel my life is all out of whack


TutuleBale t1_jab3q06 wrote

Dead in the Dirt - Blind Hole. Trust me. None of these other edgy tunes grind the nerves like this one


chimchooree t1_jab460r wrote

Listen to these bands:


Strapping Young Lad

The Dillinger Escape Plan



NolanTheSkull t1_jab4ki8 wrote

Bottomless Pit - Death Grips. Be prepared to commit murders.


TheBigBamfWolf t1_jab5eg2 wrote

Strapping Young Lad - Alien

Great album to be pissed to


TrashandBash t1_jab5j2l wrote

When I'm ungodly frustrated- I listen to Aborym.


SyringeTip t1_jab6129 wrote

Silencer - Death, Pierce Me. The lead singer and the gritty DSBM soundscape go together in a way that makes this unlike any other angry album out there, as far as I know.

Taklamakan is the angriest song on the album


MrMadHaTT3R t1_jab6mfk wrote

Death - Human

Or literally ANY Death will do.


SLPERAS t1_jab7ezn wrote

Buddha bar ix - calms you right down.


Over_Fact_4356 t1_jab88h2 wrote

How has no one said Rage Against The Machine self titled


triple_hopped t1_jab8txf wrote

Misery Index - The Killing Gods

Archspire - Bleed the Future

Anything by cannibal corpse


awildhorsepenis t1_jab8zjv wrote

Gojira typically fits this bill, im a huge fan of Way of all flesh, but Mars to Sirius or any album will do.

Lamb of God is also a go to, specifically the Ashes of the Wake Album.

Amon Amarth can let that pent up anger out in a healthy way of envisioning yourself as a bloodthirsty vikings set out by the Jarl to rape and pillage for conquest.

First two mastodon albums,

Deliverance, And any other no acoustic earlier opeth albums also work.

From there it goes into Pantera, slaughtered is a great example. Message in blood is a good one.

Death: the last 2 albums are my favorite.

Then you’ve got heavy ass judas priest, painkiller is a decent album but maybe not as angry.

Mega seth is nice, holy wars of course but i find a lot of value in peace sells and countdown.

I like the song Angry again by Megadeth.

Uh thanks for reading!



Sugondesedude t1_jab97do wrote

Not an album, but a song Cannonball by alestorm Oh and the entire doom eternal ost is also great


GSilky t1_jaba76s wrote

Most anything by Public Enemy or RATM.


GreaterMook t1_jababpg wrote

Power Trip. Check them out if you don’t know them, awesome band.


MurderInMarigold t1_jabc345 wrote

Knocked Loose - A Tear In the Fabric of Life

It's an EP, not an album, but it's the most incredibly pissed off piece of music I've ever heard in my life.


BooksAndTSwift t1_jabd8yj wrote

Without a freaking doubt: If I Can't Have Love I Want Power by Halsey. The whole album takes the anger from you and takes it out from your system. The first songs and others could be soft, but the lyrics help, but when you get to Easier than lying or the lighthouse you just let all things go.


Fragrant_Mistake6633 t1_jabenc9 wrote

The wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell vol 1 - 5 Finger Death Punch I listened to it a lot when I was copping a lot from people. It really helped me not lose my shit


Live_Marionberry_820 t1_jabiop3 wrote

I Brought You My Bullets. You Brought Me Your Love. -MCR Their debut album and their best (imo). Written shortly after the events of September, 11th 2001.


DustinLucasElAndMike t1_jabkn9g wrote

Truth by the recently deceased Jeff Beck has songs designed for this purpose


Blinkth3dog t1_jablprd wrote

Devildriver self titled and slipknot Iowa always always get my energy out. Especially drumming along with them


widowhanzo t1_jabm5hh wrote

Mick Gordon - Doom soundtrack (2016)
Unearth - The Oncoming Storm


TheGr8Tung t1_jabmcxr wrote

Tool - Lateralus

August Burns Red -Leveler

The Haunted - One Kill Wonder

Slipknot- Slipknot

Also any album by Stick Figure because their music helps me chill out and appreciate life


Fridge_ov_doom t1_jabna5p wrote

Slayer - Reign in Blood

Peak Thrash Metal. It's almost comical in how aggressive it sounds. Just don't listen while driving, speed limits lose all meaning.

Anaal Nathrakh - Vanitas

The musical equivalent of having your head in a blender. (substitute with any of their discography, that's just the one I know best)

Cattle Decapitation - The Anthropocene Extinction

...or Monolith of Inhumanity, or Death Atlas, or anything really. If you want to add anger towards humans to your list of emotions. All wrapped up in a blanket of Death Metal and Grind.

Author & Punisher - Beastland

Not as fast as the others, but more of an Industrial vibe. Great stuff.

Midnight - Satanic Royalty

Dirty Mix of Speed Metal and Black Metal. Nothing groundbreakingly new but it just goes so hard. Just don't confuse them with "The Midnight", the difference is staggering.

Meshuggah - Immutable

When I first listened to this one, I felt like a 10 ft tall colossus and all around me was just vermin. Quite an interesting experience.


emmsquee t1_jabpoj7 wrote

Not an album, but a couple of songs - Break Stuff and Counterfeit by Limp Bizkit


DigiornoJoestar t1_jabqa6u wrote

Asking Alexandria has a nice ANGRY sound, their album "Stand Up And Scream" is a good choice


disco_cerberus t1_jabr6oa wrote

high on fire - death is this communion or blessed black wings
refused - the shape of punk to come
lamb of god - shuffle artist playlist


sepulchralsam t1_jabte8o wrote

Transverse City by Warren Zevon, namely Run Straight Down. Also great while cleaning one’s living space.


Click_Due t1_jabwbu7 wrote

Any of the three first RATM album


LankyDescription1329 t1_jabyphn wrote

Damaged by Black Flag is a great album to listen too when you're pissed off.

Or you could just listen to Head Like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails and Killing On The Name of by Rage Against The Machine over and over again.


another1second t1_jabzrex wrote

Aggressive by Beartooth

Maybe something from Bring Me the Horizon (Sempiternal or Post Human) or Bury Tomorrow.


ants5678 t1_jabzrnz wrote

Chimaira - Resurrection (from Saints Row 2 radio Krunch)


I-will-kill-them_ t1_jac21cr wrote

Korn, first one is the angriest but their early ones in general


JaymesGrl t1_jac24ho wrote

Beyond Hypothermia by Cave In was my go to at college.

Whole Of The Law by Anaal Nathrahk is more therapeutic now I'm older.


whydouneedrhis t1_jac2zpm wrote

Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory

If you like Rap Rock and listening to music on volume setting 11, this album will help “numb” the pain and let you workout whatever you’re going through.


D0u8Le_T t1_jac5r5z wrote

At The Drive In - relationship of command


hxgmmgxh t1_jac5y9t wrote

Quadrophenia. Turn it up to 10.


EquivalentSource9661 t1_jac6h5o wrote

The end of heartache-Killswitch engage

All hope is gone-Slipknot

As someone previously said PANTERA !!


Darkatron t1_jacejla wrote

Flight of The Conchords - I Told You I Was Freaky

Hear me out, if you are pissed off. What better way to distract yourself, then listening and laughing along to an absolute classic.

You stop being pissed off in no time


Jaspador t1_jacgd6e wrote

Integrity - Humanity Is The Devil

In particular the song 'Abraxas Annihilation'.


MeeranQureshi t1_jach6sq wrote

Anything Metal.Listen to Painkiller(1990) by Judas Priest.


Lazy-Lawfulness3472 t1_jack3bt wrote

I don't turn to music when I'm passed off. At least not when I'm hot. Maybe afterwords when I'm reflective


[deleted] t1_jackzxe wrote

Yeezus by Kanye. On Sight, Black Skinhead & I Am A God are the first 3 songs. Ruthless


Seanbergs2377 t1_jaclvhh wrote

Song wise i say Break Stiff by Limp Bizkit

Good MMA walkout song


Fenyyx t1_jacs9gb wrote

Gotta be Far Beyond Driven by Pantera. Served me well over the years.


undescript t1_jact7sh wrote

A Wilhelm Scream - Career Suicide.


Get mad you son of a bitch


Kooky_Savings3028 t1_jacwusb wrote

Nonpoint! Their shit is angry, but it leans affirmational. So much of these suggestions lean beautiful. Nonpoint is just pure energy.


SloppyMetalRiffs t1_jad7r5o wrote

Slayer - God Hates Us All.

Doesn’t get much angrier than that.


AlGeee t1_jadka9u wrote

The Dammed - Machine Gun Etiquette


twelfthstrike t1_jadnx78 wrote

Simon Says - Shut Your Breath

Whole album is great. Only place you can find it anymore is on YouTube.


Tough_Cream_9095 t1_jaef9ya wrote

This is just a personal thing but I can throw on basically any Beatles song and calm down when I’m upset.