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Pol1z1stensohn t1_j9agucw wrote

Fleshgod apocalypse

The songs The fool or No, are my favourites.


blxeberrie0 OP t1_j9arm7f wrote

I listened to The Fool. I’m not used to this music so I have to say I don’t like it at all sorry :( it’s simply because of the loudness, I’ve never enjoyed it.


Pol1z1stensohn t1_j9arta8 wrote

That is fair enough haha Metal is a bit of a more acquired taste than some more chill genres i guess, still thanks for checking it out !


blxeberrie0 OP t1_j9ashpw wrote

Yeah I think so too, who knows, maybe I will start liking it at some point! Thank you for the recommendation.


Pol1z1stensohn t1_j9at5q8 wrote

Maybe its better to start with something nore chill, if you are up for another song check out "Where the dead ships dwell" from in flames :)


blxeberrie0 OP t1_j9aw4qe wrote

in the beggining i was like: i won’t like it, but to my surprise i actually liked this song haha. tho i don’t think i would like louder genres than this one


Pol1z1stensohn t1_j9awy2b wrote

Well thats nice to hear, In flames are my all time favorites, got the raven from the album cover as a tattoo :D


blxeberrie0 OP t1_j9b819x wrote

wow that’s pretty cool :) have you always liked metal?


Pol1z1stensohn t1_j9bd23v wrote

Nah, started with metal when i was 15 and some friend from school showed a few songs from In flames and i was lile damn, that is amazing haha Before that it was a lot of mainstream stuff. What music are you usually listening to?


blxeberrie0 OP t1_j9bg6to wrote

haha that’s nice! I’m trying to find less mainstream music now but I think I’m still there? Anyways I don’t think it’s a bad thing. These days I’ve been listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers, Cage The Elephant, My Chemical Romance, NF, The Neighbourhood… Very different from your music taste I think :)


Pol1z1stensohn t1_j9bh5tl wrote

Haha, kinda different yeah, but hey each to their own, listened to most of those bands as well at some point, so nice choice there :)