Bugslugs47 t1_je7hm8e wrote
As a Brit I liked Jimmy Carter, a very compassionate man, and still to this day listen to the Allman Brothers all of the time - love Soulshine even though it was written by Warren Haynes.
BlueAndMoreBlue t1_je7og4w wrote
If it makes you feel any better, before the ABB Duane and Greg used to tour as “Allman Joy”
Glum_Improvement382 t1_je7qfnr wrote
Great documentary. Deeply underrated president.
DeuceSevin t1_je7u5yu wrote
Naw, great man but largely ineffective as president. Even before he got fucked over in Iran.
BertramScudder t1_je7umj0 wrote
That's the most 70s thing I've heard all day.
McMacHack t1_je7zpq8 wrote
We need to just make a Cartoon set in the 70's where Jimmy Carter, The Allman Brothers, Dolly Parton and others are part of a Justice League. Pilot episode has to be about the time Jimmy personally disabled a nuclear reactor to keep it from melting down.
DaddyCatALSO t1_je8aci3 wrote
Dolly didn't have her reputation t hen, she wasn't yet known for her charities.
nigeldcat t1_je8fx3f wrote
Thanks for sharing. I was coming of age at this time in the south and the Allman Brothers were a regular backing track to all sorts of stuff. Gotta give it to Jimmy for his character, principles, and respect for other people's differences. He did stuff because it was the right thing to do and not because it was politically beneficial and made him richer.
Southern rock was seen as way less conservative than it is today. The sex, drugs, alcohol, and music were all seen as threats to society if you openly engaged. OK to do it if you went to church on Sunday to condemn those that you spent Saturday night engaging in those activities.
CapnJacksPharoah t1_je8jgdt wrote
Big respect for Jimmy Carter - not the best national politician but a great example of staying true to your ideals.
[deleted] t1_je90082 wrote
redial2 t1_je97nw2 wrote
Warren Haynes was in The Allman Brothers Band
tamarzipan t1_je9818n wrote
Was he born on the back seat of a Greyhound bus?
tacobell999 t1_je98agt wrote
Good man. Horrible President
Zoophagous t1_je9mfr2 wrote
He negotiated the first treaty between Israel and an Arab country. He took action on climate change before it was popular to do so. His administration was not corrupt. And by not corrupt I mean that there was nothing, no indictments, no scandals. Carter was the last honest man to hold the office. That fact alone puts him head and shoulders above those that came after him.
islandsimian t1_je9myhl wrote
Just saw this while watching the documentary on Chuck Leavell - an absolute legend
Warning - political commentary...
I look at Biden the same as Carter - they were both handed an absolute shitshow and will never get the recognition they deserve
Bugslugs47 t1_je9ub0e wrote
Correct but not until much later.
IncaThink t1_je9uuyy wrote
That guy from Soft Cell?
graigmarkel t1_je9wrg4 wrote
All true, except don’t forget Barack Obama came after him. The only president to try taking on the health insurance industry that controls this country.
Albert_Caboose t1_je9xpel wrote
Then make her the new kid with a pure heart who needs to prove themselves. Have fun it with by making jokes about what she eventually went on to do.
jesusonice t1_jea4hu7 wrote
I've legitimately thought it was Almond Brothers my whole life. I feel so dumb
kappamaster710 t1_jeag62u wrote
Jimmy Carter wasn’t dementiated’ when he was president tho. He at least knew what planet he was on.
DeliciousWarthog53 t1_jeahkmm wrote
What's that documentary on Chuck called???
islandsimian t1_jeaoumq wrote
Chuck Leavell - The Tree Man
It's streaming on Prime Video
DeliciousWarthog53 t1_jeb6ugh wrote
Thank ya much
DaddyCatALSO t1_jecznlg wrote
lurve it!
bolivar-shagnasty t1_je7ales wrote
> The Almond Brothers
Insert eyetwitch.jpeg