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LosCarlitosTevez t1_je1pufb wrote

So someone going to a record store 50 years ago this week would have asked “what is new?”, and the store clerk would have told them “this one called Dark Side of the Moon or this other one Houses of the Holy”


Zannishi_Hoshor t1_je357yf wrote

“I’ve only listened once or twice but they’re both solid.”


Disabled_Robot t1_je4gijt wrote

And 50 years before that the Treaty of Lausanne brought an end to 624 years of the Ottoman Empire, and hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic made 1 USD worth 4,200,000,000,000 Papiermark.


iceberg_slim1993 t1_je5tqgu wrote

And some dorks would've been complaining that Zepplin was old news and asked if they had any of those new disco records.