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zyygh t1_jddfc6q wrote

I am so glad I'm not the only one wondering this.

€10 says they figured out that he had genetic predisposition to certain liver related conditions, and that "he died from it" is pure speculation.

Edit: first paragraph, lmao.

> Genetic analysis of Ludwig van Beethoven’s hair has revealed that the composer had a high genetic risk for liver disease, which could have contributed to his death.

What a horrible title for an otherwise interesting trivia article.


Android69beepboop t1_jde9gl4 wrote

It's worse, from the article it sounds like we always knew he died of liver failure, they did an autopsy and also documented he was a hard drinker. The DNA just show he may have been predisposed to liver damage. And also may have had Hep B, which also causes liver damage.


anotherone121 t1_jdg7hsb wrote

He had an "not specially" quantifiable risk of liver disease

Therefore that's how he died

- clickbait