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night_dude t1_it6c9i5 wrote

New Carly, Arctic Monkeys and T Swift on the same day. Pop heaven.


jeffe_el_jefe t1_it6vtw3 wrote

The new Monkeys record is pretty much the furthest thing from pop lol


TalentedHostility t1_it7i98y wrote

Bruh don't get me started on that album...

Btw because of this post im checking out CRJ and never would have originally. Delightfully surprised!


dance_apoptosistic t1_it87vmc wrote

If you like what you hear, Emotion and Dedicated, and their respective sides B are all pop perfection


night_dude t1_it8yme6 wrote

Like this other guy said, make your way back to Dedicated and particularly Emotion when you're ready. They're classics.


sephjy t1_it9xusn wrote

If you want more 80s pop/alt bangers, check her album Emotion and Emotion Side B! Then check Dedicated and Dedicated Side B for 80s funk/pop vibe!