Submitted by Itsnotmypornacc t3_y510bq in Music
QuantaviusDingleberg t1_ishhsbs wrote
>The lightshow is constant strobe flashing
I'm not sure the exact reason for this but it's kind of a thing at a lot of rapper's performances. It looks cool when in sync with the song
>the performance is full playback of his songs with him making all kind of angry bird noises
You don't go to a Playboi Carti performance expecting him to rap the whole song. That's just straight up impossible given the nature of his music, your lungs cannot hold the amount of required air to rap a whole carti song while also running/jumping around on stage. It'd be nice if he did some of the lines, but that shit look hype asf so doesn't really matter all that much. Imagine being in that crowd, shit looks crazy.
>guitarist plays even if there is no guitar in the song and what he plays is then also not hearable
Why would it matter if it's in the song or not? It goes hard why do you care about that. Imo it sounds better with the guitar than without it. And I can hear the guitarist perfectly fine, idk why you can't. It's not like he's doing a guitar solo, it's adding to the background of the songs.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_isktfvp wrote
"It goes hard"
That's really all that matters these days, huh?
Well ya know what, I think Japanese Rock "goes hard." Sure, much like your Carti I can't understand a single word that Kyo from DeG is saying, but that doesn't matter because "It goes hard."
Plus on top of it "going hard" it has the added bonus of making me FEEL something. Whether it's depression, cathartic rage, or just something to put on in the background so that my own constant mental chatter in my head doesn't drive me crazy.
QuantaviusDingleberg t1_iskts4j wrote
yup. i don't give two fucks what he's saying or if i understand it or not. gets me hyped that's all i care bout. not every song is supposed to have some deep poetic meaning to it.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_iskvjme wrote
"Not every song has to have some deep poetic meaning to it."
I guess I kind of see your point, since I like Duran Duran even though some of their older songs have lyrics that are either cryptic or just flat out make no sense.
Like what the fuck is "The Reflex" suppose to be about?
"The reflex is a lonely child who's waiting by the park.
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark.
And watching over lucky clover isn't that bizarre.
Every little thing the reflex does -
Leaves you answered with a question mark."
But it's still a nice song with some neat synthesizers, I guess.
Also why is the dude "Hungry Like The Wolf?" Get this guy some fuckin' food so he'll stop howling for fuck's sake.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_isl12je wrote
I don't understand a fucking word of what KILLAKIKIT is saying, cuz that shit is in Hungarian or whatever, but damn BAZDMEG fucking goes hard, plus the group Onyx are in there too so I got something in English in there to listen to.
I don't care what language it's in, if it's BOOM BAP style, chances are that I will enjoy it.
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