cMeeber t1_iujkbmv wrote
It’s amazing for sure. There’s def some similar stuff from that time tho. That song came out in 1956 and there’s quite a bit of that raw and loud stuff from the surrounding years. Not saying that to undermine him AT ALL but more just to emphasize all the cool stuff there was back then that got kinda overshadowed by Elvis in the sense of “Elvis was the first heavy musician” falsehood…no shade to Elvis either, I’m a fan, just you know…racism. Yes, Elvis was the first heavy musician lots of people heard…because he got the distribution and notice not given to some others. And even then, he was pretty tame considering the others.
But Howlin’ Wolf, Big Maybelle, Skip James, etc. all had some wild stuff. And then different ofc, but just as wild, creepy, awesome, cool af there’s Cab Calloway…his stuff is so mind blowing.
Ike and Tina’s 1960 Fool in Love and their other early stuff is of note too. I know people really love Tina’s 80’s stuff, but that early stuff is cutting edge! People used to complain that a woman was just screaming like she did, but I think it’s super neat and there’s a reason why they were so successful. Basically…I think some modern music listeners would be pretty amazed at how heavy and raw some of these early 30-60’s musicians were because their only concept of those decades is like doo-wop and easy jazz, etc.
Anyways, if you like that song…have you heard Sam the Sham & the Pharoah’s Little Red Riding Hood? It came out 10 years after but I think you would like it as well. Super fantastic song with Halloween vibes.
hagvul t1_iujxdah wrote
Great comment. I would add Hasil Adkins to the list of early unhinged rock n rollers as well
DJ_Molten_Lava t1_iuk2vd1 wrote
> Hasil Adkins
Dude was punk long before punk was even an idea.
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