Submitted by goop_the_eraser t3_yg4s1h in Music

Ok I know some people are probably gonna think I'm crazy or a little goofy for asking this question but I have to ask

Who's a better guitar player

Jimmi hendrix or jimmy page 🤔

Don't slander or roast me in the comments



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krista t1_iu6zzd5 wrote

define ”better” first. i'll wait...


krista t1_iu70ppc wrote

there's no singular metric for either, therefore there is unlikely to be a clearly ”better” choice.

for example, wtf does ”absolute most out of the instrument” even mean? how do you measure such a thing?

  • notes per second?

  • accuracy of timing?

  • number of pitch bends?

what? how?


NosyargKcid t1_iu74v5i wrote

It's a subjective question ultimately, so you could be right with either. If you polled the world, my money would be on Hendrix as he's usually widely regarded as the best. The dude was a freak on guitar. He could play it four different ways (normal & reversed right handed & normal & reversed left handed), & was just great with the different tones & sounds he could elicit from his instrument. Page was great though as well, nothing being taken away from him.

I won't "tare" you apart for asking that, but I will for using "tare" instead of "tear"...