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t1_itvb34h wrote

Reply to comment by in Where does your focus go? by

Ty for the kind words my friend, I wont forget it !

I can show you some of them I mostly improvise on 4 chords and thats it xD but dont expect much xD

my grandmother records everything on her phone so the quality is not the best eheh

feel free to search her channel i have more videos there but you will find a lot of odd things in a 72 yo lady yt channel xD


OP t1_itvo7iw wrote

Wow you play amazing dude! That "Adaptação de Too Much- Sampha" video gives me chills! Brings me to a nostalgic place. Very cool, thank you for that! the Erdna one is really pretty as well! I would love to hear that in high def! Is that you on the violin also?? I think your grandmother is right to be proud! I like pretty music so I subscribed :)


t1_itvtsa8 wrote

Nah, the violinist is my cousin but she is really putting the effort, she is in a music conservatory :)

Thanks man since its improv a lot of it its not in the right tempo and where i live at the moment I dont have my piano so im also a bit rusty ^^

But im glad you liked it !

Really hope you keep uploading!


OP t1_iu67vyg wrote

Ah so very musical family! That's awesome! I hope you get acces to a piano soon dude! I always say Hone your skill and play at will.