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DevinBelow t1_iujj56c wrote

Both. Tube and Tweezer are equally great.


Front-Geologist1184 t1_iuk0r0q wrote

I usually prefer long intros. And long outros. And long instrumental sections in the middle


existentialZed t1_iujnesv wrote

Depends. Tool's "The Pot" starts off with a stark vocal line, then eases the rest of the band in


ivoiiovi t1_iujoxzz wrote

99.999% of the time I prefer the vocals to not come in at all and am often put off when they do, but the times when I appreciate them I don’t really care when they come in as long as it works with the composition. If making an album with vocals, I would like variety between tracks but without any set rule.


punchy-peaches t1_iujj9sn wrote

Usually I like them to get going with the lyrics.