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MrGreytheIXth t1_ixfxhf6 wrote

Listen to the entirety of Strangeways Here We Come.

It is arguably their best album and every song hits.


libertinauk t1_ixfy913 wrote

Ohhhh I adore that album. I know a lot of Smiths fans don't but it's a favourite of mine. My brother gave me a copy for my birthday about 20 years ago and it had been years since I'd heard it. Paint a Vulgar Picture overwhelmed me to tears. They've been one of the most important bands of my life ❤️


MrGreytheIXth t1_ixfztyd wrote

The Smiths helped me get through the biggest breakup of my life... This album in particular... I played my original vinyl copy so many times I wore the grooves down and then had to rebuy it...

I can't go a day without Unhappy Birthday playing at random in my head...