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Mattbl t1_ix4nkvm wrote

Can you provide sources where someone was trying to talk to a 6-year-old class about anal sex? I saw a story about a trans woman trying to explain to her class what her being trans meant because they were questioning her about it but I haven't seen anything about anal sex discussions.

There's an extreme difference between talking to children about gender identity and sex acts. They are not even close to one in the same. It's also very dubious equating discussions about gender identity to "non-conformity." You're painting it as "straight normal, gay abnormal." Personally, I don't want a kid to be told they're "not conforming" if they don't identify as cis. We've been doing that for decades and look how many mental health issues it's caused in the LGBTQ+ community.

It's also a total strawman to call anyone who opposes this bill or wants to discuss it further a "groomer," like you do in another comment. It basically feels like you're using that as a defense-mechanism and don't actually have any justifiable reason for supporting this other than fear that your kid is going to somehow turn gay by being exposed to gay people in the real world. No one that's debating this wants young kids to be sexually preyed on, stop parroting that bullshit because it makes you look ignorant.

There's a reason this is called the "don't say gay bill." The right hides behind vague wording and Ron innocently says things like, "where does it say that?" But we all know it's a fear of change and anything that you don't deem status quo. There's very, very few (if any) examples of a gay/trans teacher sexually grooming young children. If you think a gay or trans person wanting children to know they exist rather than having to hide their identity is "grooming," you have an extreme misunderstanding of the context. Believing that is why you got told you're lapping up GOP talking points in another reply.


AnimalMother76 t1_ix4rfou wrote

You make A LOT of assumptions about me, my background, and my statement. You don't know me. This is how dialogue becomes undistinguishable from the get go so nothing is accomplished. Lots of word salad that ends up being pointless along with misformation based on nothing. You have so many incorrect points you are basing on what? This is the one of the famous reddit psychoanalysis sessions based on a few sentences which is complete garbage. Here is my point in case it wasn't clear enough from my original post.... This subject is not up to the teachers, districts, or anyone else other than the parents from the ages of 3rd grade and below... Period. Not up for debate. This is wrong. Older kids like say middle school age... No problem. These elementary school aged kids are trying to tie their shoes and looking forward to recess not contemplating an out of control sexualized agenda.