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axkidd82 t1_iwtyoef wrote

There are all the time, they're just more well organized.


spindrlp t1_iwtz05q wrote

Not a chance. That Era is gone forever. People are too angry now.


liquid_at t1_iwtz93w wrote

tbf, a lot of the legendary artists that performed at woodstock weren't legendary at that time.

But other than that, I agree with the other commenters, that such events need an environment of hope and positive outlook into the future... We're currently not in times that express those emotions.


Ashardis t1_iwtzr5b wrote

The reason why Woodstock is remembered as such a great thing is because most of the participants look back at it with nostalgia glasses on, reminiscing about their own golden years. It was poorly planned, woefully executed on the same scale as Woodstock 1999 (at least they got that part of it right), but since people weren't SoMe whiny Karen's back then, they made do and smoked more weed.

The amount of logistics going into prepping plentiful food, drink, toilet facilities, camping areas, emergency services on top of executing on an ambitious music programme is insane. Watch some documentaries on recent Glastonbury festivals to see how much work there is, behind the scenes

There might be some worldwide online event, kindda-like Live Aid, since it would have a lower logistics bar.


Valdamier t1_iwu0ff9 wrote

With the way the industry is and the pompous greed, probably not. Music has become too watered down and the creatives are all underground. Would be great if they were found so the world could hear their sound.


Matchett32 t1_iwu2ni4 wrote

No because LiveNation / Mastercard would fuck it up


Gary_Vigoda t1_iwugs7q wrote

I was at this festival in 93. They Might Be Giants, Violent Femmes, Bad Brains, Ramones as headliners with a ton of decent smaller bands. It was over the weekend in a farmer's field and it was awesome.

This was from the year earlier:

Smaller festivals are a lot less chaotic. They had to stop because they got too big. Now they're just way too corporate.


alinerie t1_iwuh4hu wrote

The Atlantic City Pop Festival was staged two weeks before Woodstock and went off without a hitch. Working bathrooms, food vendors, etc, and most of the headliners who would play at Yasgur's farm. It didn't make the national news because it was a smooth, professional operation. You had to have a ticket. Lots of weed and other mind-altering substances and other than Joni Mitchell walking off because the crowd was too noisy, it was a great weekend of music.


mikeldmv t1_iwuj1vu wrote

…as opposed to ‘lets all dress up like Native Americans and post IG shots all day’ Coachella?

Even if you don’t like or respect any of the actual artists from Woodstock, which I get, it was a significant and memorable event in music history.


Karl_Marx_ t1_iwuqtfr wrote

Music Festivals are so popular now that no single one is going to stand out. Personally, I think you can get this woodstock feel at literally any music festival, as long as the setlist is good.

Plus as mentioned, woodstock was a shitshow. I'd rather have available bathrooms and safety than an anything goes music festival.


Notinyourbushes t1_iwvwhxe wrote

Pretty sure they're more likely to get another Woodstock '99 before you get another '69.