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bluetriumphantcloud t1_ixwpda7 wrote

To me, this take is cliche, and laughable, at the same time. Let me finish before you downvote me to hell ;)

I'm not trying to be inflammatory, it's just how I feel.

I see why people like Cash's version, and how it introduced a lot of his fans to the music that he covered, but I can't imagine how you could say it's 'better' if you actually loved the original version.

They're totally different, and the NIN one is a masterpiece of modern music, and inspired a lot of followers. The Cash version is a novelty imo. It's cool, it's different. But better than the original? I guess if you don't like the original.


confrita OP t1_ixwqck1 wrote

Mmm I see your point here. To be honest I love the original too, but more in the context of the album that as a isolate piece of music. Don't get me wrong, Trent it the original composer, and without his creativity Cash's version would be obviously impossible, but for some reason I like the latter much more as a isolated song