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notspoon OP t1_iy20ica wrote

Your playlist query is compared against the description of each song in the database. These comparisons range from 0 to 1. The top 100 most similar songs are returned back to you. The score is the average between those 100 songs!


doiias t1_iy21608 wrote

So a score of 0.1199... is "worse" (less accurate) than a a score of, say, .4? Now I want to know how low a score I could get while still being somewhat specific


notspoon OP t1_iy22ivw wrote

Keep in mind that your songs could still be accurate and have a low score. In order to get the highest score you would have to be very specific by describing each feature of the song that the database uses. The genres, description of the genres, the level of danceability, the loudness in decibels, etc.