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gNomad88 OP t1_iy5eftn wrote

I know I said I favoured Midnight city in another comment, but damn I do fucking love Electric Feel.

Just playing a randomised play list and hearing that intro whir up is amazing


bluetriumphantcloud t1_iy5f3ps wrote

Yep. Little Dark Age by them blows my mind every time.


gNomad88 OP t1_iy5h3mg wrote

Dude I listened to that on loop for ages. You would also like "After dark" by Mr Kitty (his only good song lol)


bluetriumphantcloud t1_iy5k7u2 wrote

I'll give it a listen.


gNomad88 OP t1_iy5pcmu wrote

What did you think of it.

(It's not everyone's cup of tea, it's alright if you don't like it. It just gives me MGMT vibes that's all)