Submitted by gNomad88 t3_z6in81 in Music

Does anybody else see the parallels between these two titans of their respective eras? Released within 4 years of each other, they both perfectly encapsulate the rising popularity of electronica/electric pop.

Both songs are so catchy, people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should. Because it's not just about the pleasures of drugs and an infatuation with city life, they're also a personal statement about the genre itself.

Both artists start with "M". Both songs sound similar. Both have millions of Streams on Spotify.

Which song is better?



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PricelessLogs t1_iy1l849 wrote

Is Electric Feel about drugs? I honestly thought it was simply about skinny dipping with a hot chick. Certainly a very literal take on the lyrics though

The bass and delayed Flute keyboard part in Electric Feel is so good, but I think Midnight City has better Vocals and layering. I can't pick a favorite, but if you point a gun at me I would probably blurt out Midnight City


gNomad88 OP t1_iy1lqvb wrote

>Is Electric Feel about drugs?

Pretty much, I've spoken to a few people who have said it's about an LSD trip (hence the moon and wacky group dancing). I was a little disappointed that it's about drugs because literally every song is about drugs these days and it's a very overused backstory. But it's still a banger song.

Honestly, when I was younger I would have chosen Electric Feel. But now that I'm a bit older, I'd probably share your sentiment and go with Midnight City as well.


chasebanks t1_iy1or6c wrote

People have profound experiences on psychedelics and get inspired to write music about their experiences. How is that disappointing? It’s not like it’s about selling drugs, or hard drugs, or drug related violence, or boasting about drug use.