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doanhieuhl t1_iyc58wp wrote

I have some rock and some idk


turtlethemyrtle12 t1_iyc63uj wrote

i’ll add my playlist link for you to see my major cluster fuck. i have some meme songs in there ignore that if you look


doanhieuhl t1_iyc6mun wrote

That's quite diverse in music. I usually keep each genre and style in particular playlist but yours sounds pretty cool as well.


turtlethemyrtle12 t1_iyc6os5 wrote

i tried to keep them organized in different playlists until i got tired of switching in between genres so i made a giant clusterfuck lmao


[deleted] OP t1_iycmz9k wrote

It’s crazy how much we have in common, I bet you would like Slowdive, Maria’s, Hers