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LawdyDaa t1_j25o0tq wrote

Because someone asked and people are responding? And where was political affiliation brought anywhere in OPs post besides your comment? You’re confusing on a lot of points here lol to clarify(because you’re ‘asking’) just because someone, for example a child, asks for something doesn’t always mean the behaviour or conversation is worthwhile/productive/progressive for anyone or thing.

As a matter of fact, people are more detrimental in behaviour than helpful, that’s why we have to learn good habits and manners, so to think anything such as judging people is worth supporting simply because someone asks, is detrimental to not just the person who is reinforced a negative idea by mob mentality but the observing society as well, so to call out judging people as a behaviour not worth supporting while also trying to be helpful and answer their question seemed to me at the time as the best most helpful answer.

I can admit I’m being nitpicky, but I know I’m right, judging people is boring because it’s often inaccurate if you care to research a person/thing honestly and with due diligence, you’ll find people are both simple and very complicated. I guess it’s not boring to people who believe their mind without ever finding out the truth but that’s a whole different problem.

Anyways, can you admit why you’re so nitpicky? Kanye’s not a great person, judging people is not a good habit(even if someone asks), I’m still trying to support OP’s question. Where’s/what’s the problem you’re so adamant about? Lol you barely even try to make sense, confusing lol