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SloopD t1_j2dpinq wrote

Dude... that username though... wtf?


EMPulseKC t1_j2dpo0d wrote

I've literally never heard of the term "virgin music," but it sounds completely dumb.

You don't need approval from haters to like the music you like. If you like Weezer, be proud of it. They're a great band and I've seen them perform a few times in person. Their music is fun, they have a distinct sound, and they have great replay value.


dubrobobo t1_j2dq2g3 wrote

idk about virgin music but the lyrics are mostly from the perspective of a not-very-smooth man


FurysGoodEye t1_j2e2p0i wrote

Old Weezer was quite enjoyable, but as they progressed and starting putting out music like “Beverly Hills” they began to cater to a different crowd.

When you start to make stupid music, don’t be surprised when stupid people start to become the main portion of the fan base.