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HRMisHere t1_j25eix0 wrote

Because the labels can still make money off of it from the people who still stream it no matter what he was convicted of.


bjh182 t1_j25g37z wrote

R. Kelly isn't the only one credited on his music. The people who produced it, mixed it, played instruments, etc... still get royalties.


KombattWombatt t1_j25g4eq wrote

That's a slippery slope. Many artists are/were terrible people, across mediums. Who draws the line and where?


FallTall6483 t1_j25hycf wrote

There's a lot of pos people that made great music. Michael Jackson, Prince, just to name a few. The music didn't commit any crimes. Censorship is a much scarier thing.


nav-netraam t1_j27r2ti wrote

And the music is really good.

Maybe the artist is a little messed up.

I feel a bit of guilt when i listen to his music but he has a lot of great songs.