Alyosha_B_Karamazov t1_j14ef3r wrote
I pledged!! Need to extend my credit line!
Abeo_de_Villepin t1_j14ei6s wrote
Abeo_de_Villepin t1_j14fd3r wrote
sassdamaz t1_j14hbxa wrote
NinaDouglas t1_j14lgp3 wrote
bakerzdosen t1_j15b711 wrote
I mean… I laughed. But I suppose they were entirely serious about this (when have you ever known an opera - in Vienna no less - to NOT be serious?)
Spirit-Green-8788 t1_j15ew74 wrote
Its the last stretch, they're dropping the nuke for anyone who managed to survive whamaggedon so far. Avoid THIS they say.
Fire2box t1_j163axs wrote
Very good song and as much as I like 80s hair music but I can't help but enjoy jimmy eat worlds most.
thisgirlnamedbree t1_j1651h0 wrote
I love this song. Better than Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas that gets played twice an hour on every station.
Accomplished_Ad8211 t1_j1689x0 wrote
It's better than the side man song.
No-Wonder1139 t1_j16rhsf wrote
Wham! They earned that exclamation point
Peazo t1_j16shta wrote
This Christmas?
undead77 t1_j16xnm5 wrote
The better X-mas song, and the 4k video is pretty cool.
dhoomsday t1_j170q05 wrote
Everytime my wife and I hear this song, I have to have a shot of alcohol. It usually happens multiple times a season. This year, not even once!
dhoomsday t1_j170rqk wrote
Haven't been whammed yet! It's wild.
ZeroTheHero75 t1_j17ah05 wrote
Anyone else playing Wham!aggedon? Been playing for years and haven't lost yet! This was a close call lol
BeautifulPainz t1_j17arxr wrote
Oh dear god
Immediate_College188 OP t1_j180uw7 wrote
How is that even possible. To forward the heart?
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j185y1j wrote
80s "Hair Music?"
It's Wham, not Twisted Sister, lol.
Wham & Duran Duran are ~synth pop~
Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of "Last Christmas" --- reminds me too much of my EX-BF (male / male) --- bad memory association and such.
Also "Everything She Wants" is a much better song.
heeheheehaa t1_j188ztp wrote
Honestly I want Christmas wrapping to be on the radio more often
Fire2box t1_j18i3md wrote
Everything She Wants is a true classic for sure, great choice.
RandomGuy2002 t1_j1ilb22 wrote
no thanks, last christmas is the best christmas song
Immediate_College188 OP t1_j14ea6f wrote
EVERY FREAKING YEAR!! In the name of all that is good, join this!!