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AMC4x4 t1_j2civ3h wrote

>First off, George Michael had an incredible range, both in terms of his high and low notes. His voice was strong and powerful, but also capable of great emotion and sensitivity. He could belt out a rock anthem like "Freedom 90" or deliver a soulful ballad like "Careless Whisper" with equal skill and passion. But it's not just about technical ability - George Michael was also a master of phrasing and delivery.

This could describe Freddie to a "T" as well.

Freddie could sing anything. Hands down, it's Freddie.


IzzyTheIceCreamFairy t1_j2de62d wrote

Listen to Sam Cooke.


hjablowme919 t1_j2df79z wrote

I love Sam Cooke. He’s just fantastic. That said, Sam Cooke could not sing Tie Your Mother Down.


IzzyTheIceCreamFairy t1_j2dfdv1 wrote

Freddie Mercury couldn't sing A Change Is Gonna Come with the same beauty of Sam Cooke. Freddie Mercury just isn't the be all and end all vocalist.


hjablowme919 t1_j2ea91f wrote

Given some of the more mellow songs Freddie sang, I think he could do that tune, which is arguably my favorite Sam Cooke tune, justice.

That said, I never said Freddie was the be all, end all of singers. I feel about him the same way I feel about Sam Cooke. Both great singers, but not the greatest singers.