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Goldestwing OP t1_j2erh8t wrote

That’s true, I’m just shutting on tabs cuz the goal with learning is to be able to improvise and play by ear


aj_ramone t1_j2evgqc wrote

That is something a couple years away buddy. Learn the basics, then the rest will come later.


Goldestwing OP t1_j2exo1j wrote

Yeah I know it’ll take years to practice I’m just saying that’s the reason why I learn the instruments I’m learning


HalobenderFWT t1_j2fgy61 wrote

Improvising and playing by ear has nothing to do with learning tabs or proper musical notation. Some of the greatest folks to ever play by ear or improvise don’t even know how to read music.

It’s not to say the rest of us can’t ever be a great improvisational musician, but a lot of it is pure gifted talent.

Give it time, play every day, solidify your fundamentals, keep your nails short, and get better one chord at a time.