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topflight8000 t1_j4325fg wrote

Don't feel bad about the downvotes. I'm right there with you. I'm 34 and have been a HUGE fan of the 80's since elementary school. Never heard of Kate Bush or "Running up that Hill" until Stranger Things. Definitely shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame.


PunkRey t1_j43j3yt wrote

Who am I gonna trust? David Gilmour and a plethora of musicians who have adored her for years or the dude on Reddit who never heard of her because she wasn’t on a Radio Disney Kid Jams CD?


topflight8000 t1_j44gp9h wrote

She has had less influence on rock and music in general than L7 and Shonen Knife (who are STILL releasing bangers), as largely unknown as they both are.

Not even a huge Type O Negative fan, but even I recognize that a deep-track band like them has had more influence than Kate Bush.

Running up that hill was literally her only hit, and it wasn't even a BIG hit until Stranger Things integrated the song into a popular storyline in 2021.


PunkRey t1_j44gzf6 wrote

L7 and Shonen Knife largely unknown? Running up that Hill is Bush’s only hit?

Now I know you’re just being daft but I can’t tell if it’s on purpose.


topflight8000 t1_j44i101 wrote

Oh give me a break. NO ONE knows who L7 and Shonen Knife are unless they're a grunge head, and a DEEP TRACK grunge head at that.

Look at the first 20 "top hits of the 80s" playlists on YouTube and I doubt Kate Bush would be on a single one. If she is, it's going to be "Running up that Hill" AND it will have been added to the playlist AFTER Stranger Things, because no one knew who she was pre-Stranger Things. Her name was never mentioned before 1 year ago
