Submitted by Flodo_McFloodiloo t3_10pi140 in Music

There aren't necessarily too many artists that people get a bad first impression of upon first look, only to find hidden depth to when they hear more of them. But do people here have any?

For me, the surprise answer is Kesha (formerly known as Ke$ha). First heard singing guest vocals on what many (myself included) considered an utter evisceration of a classic Dead or Alive song, and soon after premiering looking like the very epitome of self-indulgent white trash, she was a pop-culture punching bag from the moment she was a pop star. I did have a soft spot for "Tik Tok", but most other singles from that era were way too grating, and future generations aren't likely to forgive that song simply because of its title.

Eventually, the world would learn that a lot of what so many people hated about her was actually done at her producer's behest, and she made attempts to move past that, so I recently caved in and actually started listening to her albums. I was pleasantly surprised by many things; even in her earlier albums that featured her contentious singles there's a lot more musical variety than I expected, songs with a lot more lyrical depth than just the inebriated party-hard anthems she was known for, and legitimately good singing. Not the prettiest voice I've heard by a long shot but one that can sincerely convey emotion. Her "post-image" albums are even better.



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jonnyinternet t1_j6kkp0l wrote

I never liked Taylor Swift, and while I would still not say I'm a huge fan, I do think she is a very good song writter


Ornery-Dragonfruit96 t1_j6kkw0s wrote

Miley Cyrus, The Climb is a damn good song. Also when she did the singing and lent her voice to an animated movie Bolt. that was gold.


Gonzostewie t1_j6kltc4 wrote

Boogie Feet. It's Kesha with Eagles of Death Metal. It is fantastic.


Flodo_McFloodiloo OP t1_j6kmnhb wrote

I will risk ire by saying I even think "Wrecking Ball" is a beautiful song, and that Miley's singing on it is just fine; it's almost sad that these qualities have been totally overshadowed by how corny its music video was. Miley pretty much went from one cringeworthy image to another with very little grace period between, but she's never been a bad singer.


Valdamier t1_j6kmvyo wrote

It was actually the other way around. I didn't like System of a Down's debut, but then I saw them live.


HullaballooWho t1_j6ko0vl wrote

Not so much a specific artist but more the style found in Metal or other harder forms of rock where they screech/growl/grunt and so and so. Couldn't adjust for years until on a whim I purchased Blackwater Park and Still Life by Opeth (thank goodness) which really hurtled me through the door at light speed and transported my newbie mind to a new realm of possibilities. Never went back after that.


[deleted] t1_j6kprs7 wrote


I'd only heard of them because of that one song in Twilight, so I had zero respect for them. Then a friend convinced me to listen to Origin of Symmetry. Blew me away.


monobarreller t1_j6ktchc wrote

She's also a HUGE metal fan thanks to her brothers.


Xizen47 t1_j6kup6e wrote

The Cure- growing up, the only songs I knew from them were Friday I'm in Love and Boy's Don't Cry.

Didn't realize their genius until hearing Head on the Door in my early 30's. Quickly became a fan & am lucky enough to have seen them live. Legends!


philament t1_j6kvjxp wrote

I had a very poor opinion of Pixies because of the ‘media darlings’ status they had (Surfer Rosa era) .Strange thing was, I realized later that I knew and loved everything I’d heard by them without knowing it was them


Jackattack736 t1_j6kwjcs wrote

It's honestly pretty rare for songs to be written entirely by 1 person with 0 help. Recording is a collaborative process with others (band members, studio musicians, producers, sound engineers all contribute to the process)

That said, here are two good Taylor Swift songs where Taylor is credited as the sole writer (note, writer and producer are two different jobs)

No Body, No Crime

My Tears Ricochet


HustletronSATX t1_j6l0dtp wrote

The Mars Volta, the first few times I heard them it sounded like chaos with every instrument competing at the same time. Then I heard their album De-Loused in the Comatorium front to back and it had this endearing symphonic composure where elements of previous tracks were called back and blended into a grand opus.

Also I never wanted to give At the Drive In a chance based on the people who recommended their music to me. Only to find out At the Drive In became the Mars Volta and they also rock.


Eddaughter t1_j6l0up1 wrote

Beatles. I did a discography dive and it changed my world. Think I was always inside the echo chamber of everyone saying they’re “overrated”. Then I decided to finally give them a fair chance with their albums in context of their growth. They definitely had their humble beginnings but then that 65-69 album run is absolutely legendary. Such innovative and creative growth. While I still don’t think they’re the best, the fact that my closed minded self finally came to the result they are incredible and not overrated is such a W in my book.


Was_Like t1_j6l36sy wrote

George Harrison. I enjoy the Beatles and the solo work of Lennon and McCartney, but had just ignored George's solo work until I saw the Disney Beatles doc. All Things Must Pass is amazing!


RZAxlash t1_j6l742q wrote

I have a feeling people might feel differently about Lenny Kravitz if they sit down and vibe to Mama Said.


gogojack t1_j6la40c wrote

I can't speak to the pop arena, but in her country career, it was less about people "helping" her to write songs, and more about collaboration. She was at the very least an equal partner in her hits.


CanuckLostinFrance t1_j6luagw wrote

I never really listened to Radiohead in my youth, but now I’ve listened to them for almost a month straight


nuclearblastbeat t1_j6m3exg wrote

MGMT. They're alot more experimental and far out than I thought they would be from hearing the radio singles.


Sad-Meeting-1695 t1_j6m3hjm wrote

Harry styles! A lot of people hate on him…but personally his music is just so beautiful. Especially Cherry and Only angel


JunFerra t1_j6mh71a wrote

Rosalía, I had only heard her collaborations with reggaeton artists I don't like until I listened to her three albums. Now I'm a fan, and hell, her reggaeton songs that aren't collaborations are actually pretty good!


hjvkjvkjvg t1_j6milxi wrote

Focus. Only listened to Hocus Pocus and Sylvia beforehand until I checked out Focus 2 and Focus 3 in their entirelies. Can anyone recommend me bands like them? (I love how Focus 3 has a song that is only each member having a 6 minute solo)


bigb0L0s t1_j6mmc4p wrote

neutral milk hotel 🤷‍♀️


SuperFreshHits75 t1_j6mqqq4 wrote

Thinking he was for elitists and not more of a performer for the common man, I realised how good Jazz could be after giving Kenny G a listen.


AngrySteelyDanFan t1_j6nx80q wrote

Steely Dan. Definitely was the slow burn for me. Now I view them on my Mount Rushmore.


Neeentendo64 t1_j6of6ft wrote

I never thought much about Pink Floyd until I listened to the Wall and oh boy that guitar note starting In the Flesh? scared the hell out of me and immediately got me hooked.


BartholomewBandy t1_j6pb2pv wrote

Beastie Boys. Didn’t think past You’ve Gotta Fight, until bored at work with no music and a waitress lent me Check Your Head. Cassette rewound on side two, blew me away that they jammed and sampled themselves. Killer.


Notinyourbushes t1_j6pfgsj wrote

Little earlier but the only Cure song I'd heard was Just Like Heaven and I hated it. A friend played me The Kiss and that opened me up a little, but it wasn't until I heard their earlier, post punk work that I realized how amazing they were.