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mando42 t1_j5yctjq wrote

Closer by Nine Inch Nails


ricardo9505 t1_j5yecrh wrote

Luke, Two Live Crew, "Doo Doo Brown". Aka Rock right now.


ld20r t1_j5yf6qf wrote

All of Deftones discography.


kazmosis t1_j5ygdtf wrote

I'm sure there probably are ones out there that I'm forgetting, but this is the one that immediately pops into my head whenever someone asks what the most sexual song is


flup22 t1_j5yin5o wrote

Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love


flup22 t1_j5yiu7d wrote

Bring Me The Horizon - Fuck


Mainbutter t1_j5yraai wrote

Bad Touch - Bloodhound Gang.

Thread over.


Isshin98 t1_j5yrei2 wrote

I Want You - Marvin Gaye. The whole album. You'll know why.


ratdad111 t1_j5zk0uo wrote

Tear you apart -she wants revenge


nesagwa t1_j5zrkgn wrote

Christeene - Butt Muscle. Believe the uncensored video for it is on Vimeo.


Leperchaun913 t1_j5zs0rv wrote

You Came To Party by Too Short

Fuck The Pain Away by Peaches

What's Your Fantasy by Ludacris

Anything The Bloodhound Gang ever wrote.


beecostume t1_j607lvv wrote

Skin on Skin by Queens of the Stone Age.


xtremeRATMAN t1_j60948o wrote

I just killed a cop and now I'm horny - jpegmafia

This counts I'm pretty sure


TheJacksquatch1992 t1_j60vhgs wrote

Out of the top of my head? I can think of: L.O.V.E. machine (W.A.S.P.), Shake me (Cinderella) and Get down make love (Queen)


1nternetP3rson t1_j60wv4c wrote

may not be as horny as others but DESTROYA by My Chemical Romance


thatnameagain t1_j61buwa wrote

It's parody of course, but "Double Team" by Tenacious D was basically written to be the epitome of this.

As for songs that are ostensibly serious, "Rock You Like A Hurricane" is kinda it. Everyone only knows the chorus so people are like, oh yeah that's just a song about rocking hard, the band is gonna rock us hard, right? Uh uh, that's a song about what to do when "the cat is purring," which, according to the lyrics, is "give her inches and feed her well" because "Lust is in cages 'til storm breaks loose"


akindofthinthing t1_j62d63r wrote

Not sure if go hard as in just plain good or like something to get down to, but I would have to say Sexting by Bo Burnham because it has some crazy good production or I guess Milk Man by Aphex Twin. I don't really listen to anything horny I guess