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KennethPatchen OP t1_j5q6tag wrote

All so good! Love this, remembering so many old/new songs and vids.

Human Behaviour is such a fun video.

Bowie as that weird ass clown - classic.

Have to watch Spark. Love Tori Amos' voice.

Doo-Wop was SO great. What a voice. Wish she was more prolific. She had so much potential.

Sledgehammer was mindblowing.


TheEmpressIsIn t1_j5qagny wrote

Lauryn's descent is one of the saddest. That album is one of my favorites of all time, a truly rich and unique work.

Wicked Game was so hot when it came out; Chris Isaak was something else. I consider Love Will Never Do (Without You) by Janet Jackson to be its sister video. (also an imitator)