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_metamax_ t1_j5e37ze wrote

If this isn’t the dumbest shit lol. It just shows they know nothing about the album.


Nahadot t1_j5gi3jk wrote

Or about physics for that matter.


SixDerv1sh t1_j5jka76 wrote

Science class, strong beam of light and a prism. Thought everyone was taught that.


[deleted] t1_j5eceea wrote

It's probably just a lame journalist fishing for a story.


MaximumHemidrive t1_j5ezqo9 wrote

Oh no, I saw endless comments on fb when Pink Floyd changed their profile picture.

All from people wearing sunglasses in a truck.


Dada2fish t1_j5gu6vs wrote

So those several people on FB are the anti woke mob?


2geeks t1_j5fuha9 wrote

Nope. I’ve personally seen the comments on a social media post with several people getting their tantrums going about it. I was rather incredulous at first, but yes. Bigots really are that dumb. Lol


ZxasdtheBear t1_j5igji5 wrote

They heard minority groups being put up against the wall in "In the Flesh" and thought that the band had conservative values.


cracquelature t1_j5f6s3w wrote

It reads that way and also, there are already hundreds of Pink Floyd box sets so it’s hard to not see this as an advertisement. Also the art that is shown in the article is not very evocative of the dark side of the moon’s cover, in fact it looks really low effort imo. Seems like a big ole troll trolley


ILoveThisPlace t1_j5fjt7s wrote

There's no way a significant minority of the population is that stupid that would make this story believable which is why I wont even read it. 1 or 2 isolated idiots sure. Enough idiots to form any sort of online or in person community to voice this opinion without getting a smack in the back of the head is incredibly unlikely.


copyboy1 t1_j5g515w wrote

Wait… did you just say there’s no way there are tons of dumb bigots?

Counterpoint: America.


herrbz t1_j5h51yx wrote

That's the thing.

They're not even fans; they don't care about Pink Floyd.

They just want to get mad at something.