Pussycat-X t1_j5e7i2w wrote
The anti woke mob, truly the floating turd at the US pool party.
DarkJester89 OP t1_j5e8cch wrote
the floating turd that bumps into the other floating turd, "the rioters and chop/chazzers" setting the country on fire.
browsing_around t1_j5ei423 wrote
What cities burned down again? They seem to all be standing still.
Fark_ID t1_j5fhq04 wrote
‘Boogaloo Boi’ charged in fire of Minneapolis police precinct during George Floyd protest. Ill just leave that here
browsing_around t1_j5g7wcm wrote
So a single building was burnt down. One building is very different than an entire city. I’m not condoning burning down of any buildings. But let’s try and be a little more accurate with our statements.
gusterfell t1_j5gdx49 wrote
Yes, and it was burnt down by a Boogaloo Boi, aka a fascist, to make the protesters look bad.
PedroEglasias t1_j5gcjfm wrote
Seems like a figure of speech about ruining things, not necessarily actually lighting fires...
gusterfell t1_j5gdobi wrote
What have they ruined?
PedroEglasias t1_j5gdsdd wrote
I'm not making a judgement on anything except the meaning of that person's comment lol
[deleted] t1_j5gdoa1 wrote
RedditorNumber679260 t1_j5f4qx5 wrote
What rioters? Ohhhh.
You mean the ones in Washington DC. Gotcha.
Pussycat-X t1_j5e8zzu wrote
Get your own joke asshat.
Apostate_Nate t1_j5e95ek wrote
Lmao you should do the same, your attempt at humor was not remotely new. Also, don't be a dick.
Pussycat-X t1_j5e9su7 wrote
Yawn. Who said it was new? I said get your own.
It's a joke not a dick, don't take it so hard.
See, also not new but at least I put in some effort.
Apostate_Nate t1_j5ecmsr wrote
Parroting eight grade insults is an effort for you?
I'm sorry.
Pussycat-X t1_j5ei36i wrote
Took the dick hard, eh? Bummer.
Apostate_Nate t1_j5ei59j wrote
Lmao repetitive much? You were right to yawn, you're boring.
Pussycat-X t1_j5eie3u wrote
No lube even?
Apostate_Nate t1_j5eiiue wrote
Yeah, three wild swings, three misses, I'm done wasting time on you. So long weirdo. Try coming up with a single thing to say that isn't taken from someone smarter than you.
Affectionate-Ad9027 t1_j5erejg wrote
All you’ve done is be insulted and say “hahah okay man stop it this time or else” over and over and over
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