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[deleted] OP t1_jamx1p3 wrote

The group in question we're referring to is a small group of friends, studying certain opinions and topics here in Newark.

However, seeing as Midnight had caught one of our friend's eyes via an Instagram post, we did some digging out of curiosity to see he posts here too, and decided; What do Newarks residents think of this guy? Hence this form was created.



GhostOfRobertTreat t1_jamycpm wrote

I suppose if you want honest responses from people, you should be more open about who you are and why you’re doing this. Are you college kids trying to write a paper? Do you represent some group? Are you really just a few friends? Referring to your friends as colleagues and a brief Google form as a study feels shady AF. So that’s one Newark resident’s opinion for you.


[deleted] OP t1_jamyr55 wrote

You are correct; Yes, we are a group of college kids trying to write a paper regarding the subject. However, using google forms is an easy way to convert it into a spreadsheet, which we can then analyze and review, we are sorry if you find our way of data collection "Shady". -Cole.
