sutisuc t1_jd569xx wrote
Definitely helps that gaslight is opening for them
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jd5azxn wrote
I seen them at Madison square garden in 2019 great show. Danzig and the band were running on all cylinders definitely worth checking out a band from New Jersey
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jd5b81x wrote
It was worth it to me they were great live
sprocketrevolt t1_jd5pdcb wrote
Not my thing, but I’m stoked cuz I used to be friendly with some of those folks.
[deleted] t1_jd7kyhf wrote
sprocketrevolt t1_jd4zur2 wrote
Curious 1) what tickets will go for and 2) if anyone is even willing to shell out to see them on a “limited run” given how frequently these limited runs happen.