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66nexus OP t1_jeesv5s wrote

Interesting excerpt:

Their study noted that between 2015 and 2020, high-income households earning more than $150,000 per year increased by 151% in Newark and by 75% in Jersey City.


effort268 t1_jef75rb wrote

Tbh i have a few friends from Newakr who are making 100k and with their partner also making 70-100k so its not just outsiders. 100k really isnt alot tbh and thats a shame


thebruns t1_jefar2t wrote

Median income in Newark is 23,426.

So yes, making 5 times that is a lot.


DrixxYBoat t1_jefbf9g wrote

Trying to understand what these 100k a year people be spending their finances on lol


surrealchemist t1_jefwryu wrote

I don't know. I have a friend who lives in one of those Harrison apartments paying like 3K for just him, and he has a car and parking. I don't want to be giving up like half my salary to rent so I am sticking around in this 3 family house my friends family owns and I didn't buy a new car when mine was no longer working.

I'm just banking my extra money because who knows what the hell might go down at this point.


HighCaliberBullet t1_jefhuw0 wrote

I’m one those people. I just decided to buy a house in Ironbound a few years ago. Just gotta be smart with money. I sometimes splurge on sneakers, collectibles and firearms. But, still have enough to put away towards retirement, mortgage, and a little extra of play money.


ahtasva t1_jef6c74 wrote

The “Brooklyn” effect. Young upwardly mobile people looking get on the gentrification train early. Downtown Elizebeth and parts of East orange are seeing thing


66nexus OP t1_jeg9fof wrote

I've definitely seen some new developments popping up along the train stations, especially Elizabeth (I've worked at the courthouse)


GlassesgirlNJ t1_jefgrw2 wrote

Does that include Presidential Heights? I drive thru there on my way home and I've noticed some pretty houses with gardens, artsy string lights, et cetera.


ahtasva t1_jefw2xr wrote

Don’t know where that is. Anywhere within 10~15 min walk to either train station would be a good place to buy IMHO. I personally like lower Broadway in Newark. Charming , mix of architecture, fantastic connectivity. With Vermella closing the gap between the station and the entrance to the neighborhood, only a matter of time before it takes off. 5 years if not less. Anything south of 2nd Ave is worth buying. I see some pretty reasonably priced single and multifamily homes listed for sale still.


GlassesgirlNJ t1_jefy92t wrote

Presidential Heights is by exit 147 on the parkway. There's a really pretty house I see on the corner of Rutledge and N Arlington in EO, maybe?

We live south of 2nd Ave in Newark right now (in a rental), but thanks for the suggestions!


ahtasva t1_jeg5cb3 wrote

I know exactly the neighborhood you are taking about. Drove by there a few times to check out areas close to the Watsessing Ave station. Beautiful place; kinda of car dependent and a bit of a walk to public transit but still a great setting .


GlassesgirlNJ t1_jefftm1 wrote

There are a number of families moving to Forest Hill from Brooklyn (I personally know of two from Park Slope), and I wouldn't be surprised to see people getting priced out of Maplewood/Montclair/South Orange and doing the same thing.

These folks are buying homes in the historic district and sending their kids to private school.


sutisuc t1_jefo0rm wrote

Newark is fucked


ahtasva t1_jefqmtz wrote

Why so? High income earners bring jobs and opportunities. Don’t fall for the divisive garbage rhetoric that you have to hate other American because they have more money than you. Those high earners pay taxes. They help fund the schools. What mare should they do??? No one making 150k/ yr is a trust fund baby. Husband and wife making 75 grand each is more like it.

People are getting displaced; have the city build more public housing. Why can’t the city do that instead of continuously pitting neighbors against each other?

Illegals are welcome here but young families making 100k / year are not? What an upside down world we are living in🤡


GlassesgirlNJ t1_jeghh4v wrote

Yeah, 150K is the classic "a plumber married to a nurse" scenario people talk about when they discuss middle income housing...


ahtasva t1_jegmxzy wrote

This is a problem created by neo liberal politics: don’t offer people solutions instead tell them who to blame for their problems. 1 . People are homeless: let them take over the public parks and sidewalks. Don’t finds ways to house them.. refuse to support high density housing. Blame landlords and pile on regulation on them making housing more expensive. Point the finger on “gentrifiers”. Republicans what you to hate foreigners; democrats want you to hate your neighbors.

  1. People are hopeless and turn to drugs: don’t offer them hope or any solutions. Let them shoot up on the open. Decriminalize “petty” crimes coz its “unfair” to enforce the law on the drug dependent. Don’t pass min wage laws, create affordable healthcare insurance or affordable starter housing. Democrats want you to blame the rich ; republicans want you to blame the poor.

  2. Inner city public education is failing: democrats are in denial. Republicans want grandma to teach kids advanced math.

Take any issue out there and there isn’t a solution in sight. God help this county!


sutisuc t1_jegq2k7 wrote

You hate neoliberalism but love landlords?


ahtasva t1_jegqrxz wrote

Not what I said . Read harder


sutisuc t1_jegsgpr wrote

You maligned neoliberalism and then took up the cause of landlords, what did I miss?