Submitted by iGROWyourBiz2 t3_y7m3dn in Newark

Wondering how to determine if an Airbnb is a safe neighborhood or not. Will be for my wife and me and one dog.

Will stay about a month until we find an apartment for 6-12 months, so we can determine where to buy.

(no really looking for advice from the folk who feel they should tell us not to move to

Thanks in advance.



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Ironboundian t1_isvl4wv wrote

I recommend getting an Airbnb near Penn station to start….then from there you can go out an check out neighborhoods and showings for rental apartments.


NewNewark t1_isw47ig wrote

The best way to determine what a safe neighborhood is, is to use the search bar ------------>


LateNightNewYork t1_isw8379 wrote

What neighborhood is your Airbnb in?

In general, most places on the North, Central and East Wards are “safe.” The South and the West also have some safe places, but they also have the largest share of neighborhoods with violent crime.

Good on you for ignoring people that say all of Newark is unsafe. You’ll find that rhetoric is deeply rooted in racism/classism.


iGROWyourBiz2 OP t1_iswkwxn wrote

Haven't selected on yet. Don't want to get one and regret the location. Appreciate your candor and recognition of the real issues. People don't realize, I am in a city where I am twice as likely to be a victim of violent crime...Wichita Kansas...crazy.


Eveli00 t1_isx01nv wrote

Newark is shit the people are not friendly i lived there my whole life and don’t trust nobody


FireDawg10677 t1_isxjpix wrote

Ironbound is relatively safe and certain areas in north Newark everywhere else is good luck


dsarma t1_isxkrox wrote

The stuff close to Rutgers feels pretty safe. Same with the places near Prudential Center, and them. Close to actual Penn Station feels a little sketchy, but I’ve not had any issues there. The people hanging out on the sidewalks surrounding the station might ask to bum a cigarette, or for spare change, but then also give you information like “that door is locked” so you don’t end up walking all that way to the door for no reason.

From the places I’ve seen, if it’s close to the light rail, I’ve felt pretty safe there. Only exception being Branch Brook Park, which feels mad sketchy no matter what hour it is.


jamilthepoet t1_isxlps5 wrote

I think you have to give more details your life style. Are you looking for more of a suburban area or urban? what’s your rent budget ? Do you need access to public trans ? Do you have a car ? All of this matters. There are areas that “on paper” you may not think are good areas but truly are like upper Roseville


Jerz2florida t1_isxrlw4 wrote

The south ward by the south orange border is decent.


TenzeFiyer t1_isz1inq wrote

Forest hill is a good place to start


jamilthepoet t1_iszxqhn wrote

I actually lived in walker house before I bought my 1st multi family home. I was paying 1900 for a one bedroom but the was one 2019-2020 I think for the same apartment it’s more like 2300 now 🙃. I’m glad I house hack now !


jamilthepoet t1_iszyyt5 wrote

That’s a old mindset of Newark, while mostly true some numbered blocks are changing. What’s your rental budget ? And what kind of apartment are you looking for? I lived in several sections of Newark. I currently live in upper Roseville and have a multi family home in lower vailsburg section of Newark ( this is a rougher area)


jamilthepoet t1_iszzgmm wrote

Iron bound and forest hills section are huge Latinx areas especially ironbound. So it’s a lot of working class families. Forest hills is more a mix of black wealth, Latinx and white middle class community and is a little less busy/ noisey the ironbound.


jamilthepoet t1_it00rm9 wrote

Just to clarify 1180 is a competing apartment complex. Walker house allows dogs with size and breed restrictions. But they where loosely enforcing it when I was leaving. They only do year and 2 year leases. You might find a hard time getting a short term least at one of the apartment complexes


iGROWyourBiz2 OP t1_it01jh2 wrote

yeah, when we first arrive, we just want short-term accommodations to get settled in and be able to understand and determine where we actually want to live.

Wouldn't necessarily mind a year, but I am not a fan of apartment buildings.


jamilthepoet t1_it026vz wrote

Like everyone is saying your best bet in terms comfortability. Might be to go with one of the big apartment complexes in downtown Newark for a year then decided which are you and your family wants to move. If you have school aged kids. I would. Recommend one of the neighboring towns like Bloomfield or west orange or even east orange


Nathanial_Jones t1_it092rw wrote

I live in the ironbound and love it. Like the other poster said, big immigrant community, mostly working class. Very walkable and lots of great food, and good transit access. I haven't had issues with crime and feel generally safe walking around, but it does happen occasionally.


recnilcram t1_it09lrs wrote

Look again at the Elevdn80 application portal. I just renewed there for my 2nd year. I recall having short term rental options, but they may have only been available as an existing resident.

Also, the short term leases are much more expensive.


TranquilBeatnik t1_it0x7f9 wrote

Numbered streets vary drastically. Had a friend grow up on N 12th St just off Bloomfield in a historic 2 floor colonial with a working fireplace, original details, etc. Classic suburban family in a classic Northeast suburb. 4 blocks south, past Park Ave the vibe changes as you get closer to the freeway. Same situation as you head west towards East Orange and get closer to the Essex County Parkway.

tl;dr Numbered streets on the north side of town are very block-by-block. Stay away from the highways and East Orange and you'll be fine. Numbered streets on the south-side are a no-go.


autopwroff t1_it5fo0k wrote

I do agree with people mentioning the Ironbound, but you don't have to live in one of the little apartments near Penn! The amount of construction near those buildings has been attracting rats like crazy recently (among other problems). However, there are several streets in the neighborhood that have 2-3 family homes that are much more livable/practical. A few are: Chestnut Street, St. Francis Street, Clifford Street. These are all sort of on the borders of the super busy areas like Ferry or Wilson Ave, so they're pretty safe but you still get some privacy.


benavidesb1 t1_itkbxga wrote

Hands down it’s the Ironbound. You won’t regret it. It’s very walkable. I grew up in North Newark. Love it, but lacking in walkability and a variety of businesses. From the Ironbound you can always ride the PATH train out to JC, NYC, and Hoboken. Love the Ironbound!!!