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Frank_Esc t1_iu5oqpm wrote

No, how about just supporting their business! More profits more capital for them to keep up with their needs


Echos_myron123 t1_iu6c076 wrote

You misunderstand. The broken window is a conceptual piece of art meant to represent the broken nature of our democracy.


Mysticpoisen t1_iu6f9p0 wrote

Since the last time this was brought up, I have confirmed that the door at Dario's is still broken. Never change Dario, never change.


sprocketrevolt t1_iu72b0g wrote

If I may reiterate…

That’s it, that’s the joke.


ryanov t1_iu7lfm6 wrote

I find this so aggravating. I hope it’s like a supply chain thing or something, because otherwise… I almost asked them when I was in there today.


patriot7461 t1_iu8gv4q wrote

Supply chain issues most likely - windows take a long time to replace in todays time.