stephenclarkg t1_iuatq5t wrote
Bolsonaro is a war criminal
eastaleph OP t1_iuaug5o wrote
Was unaware. Thanks for informing me.
realspongesociety t1_iuax1qz wrote
The traffic was unpleasant. The honking/shouting/generally trumpy signs were just antisocial.
What a bunch of arseholes.
ABrusca1105 t1_iub84gq wrote
Bolsonaro is worse than Trump. Trump is diet Bolsonaro.
Beauty_n_the_book t1_iubhv9g wrote
Diet Trump π
Echos_myron123 t1_iubinp0 wrote
Unfortunately these fascists are all over the Ironbound. A real blight on an otherwise great neighborhood. And Bolsonaro is worse than Trump and may actually be able to pull of a coup if he loses.
Satanic_Doge t1_iubkc3k wrote
I see SO much Bolsonaro stuff on trucks on my drives in and out of Newark.
Mytalkingheadx t1_iubxqim wrote
Fuck Bolsonaro!! Faz o L porra!!
Crispus_Attukus t1_iuc54lv wrote
I chuckled lol. Also, Brazil is much like the US in so many ways. The costal elite dynamic, the poor and illiterate class, and super partisan politics. Not surprised folks in the ironbound would be susceptible this /diet trump/.
surrealchemist t1_iud3xoe wrote
A lot of the voters abroad voted for him last time. I think they are usually the more well off ones that can afford to come and live in the US.
Anyway, I hope Lula wins.
Jaded_Fun376 t1_iudj6oz wrote
Fora Bolsonaro
Ironboundian t1_iuduam3 wrote
Relax. Itβs a major election in a democracy of 220 million people happening today (sunday). I guarantee if 10,000 Minnesotans moved to a single neighborhood In Rio de Janeiro, the Americans would be importing their holidays and big events too
eastaleph OP t1_iudvddc wrote
They'd be assholes too if their unscheduled, unpermitted parade blocked a major highway.
Echos_myron123 t1_iuf1e6l wrote
And I would feel bad for Brazilians if those Americans decided to have a Trump caravan in the middle of their city.
Echos_myron123 t1_iufoqpx wrote
Thank god Bolsonaro lost. May all these stupid assholes now drive their trucks into the Passaic River.
AgitatedAorta t1_iuasawl wrote
They've been driving down Ferry honking their horns for the past half hour and I'm home sick with a cold and a splitting headache. FML