Rainbowrobb t1_j0x3xwc wrote
It's a good idea for cities on a large uncomplicated grid. Also, I've seen our bus drivers side swipe cars and never stop. I trust a surface level rail more haha.
recnilcram t1_j0xeq0l wrote
Would be a great solution for Ferry Street. Would also allow for bike lanes in the parking aisle, maybe even a protected bikeway.
But I can't imagine it ever happening with the chronic lack / perceived lack of parking along that corridor.
recnilcram t1_j0xf5se wrote
Broad Street absolutely needs a road diet. Tomorrow they could get paint out and make it a 4 lane road with bus lanes and a bikeway.
Better yet, extend the light rail down to Lincoln Park.
ahtasva t1_j0z1g9l wrote
If we can get ferry and Lafayette to become way in either direction with a dedicated / protected bike and bus lane..that would be a good start. City could incentivize one of the owners of the empty lots facing Raymond blvd to build multi level parking with mixed use sqft above that to make up for the lost spaces. Some neighborhood in Toronto have similar arrangements and they work well .
DrixxYBoat t1_j0z6s92 wrote
Light rail supremacy 💯
GhostOfRobertTreat t1_j0z7af6 wrote
Could probably fit a protected two-way bike lane on most of Broad. But need the Parking authority or police to enforce double parking. Lots of cars park illegally on Broad by Harriet Tubman Square so three lanes merge to two.
Rainbowrobb t1_j0zqwk8 wrote
Absolutely, love trolleys and light rails! They are quieter and more predictable too!
ryanov t1_j11deyx wrote
Ferry is the one I think that needs at the most. Nobody can move through Ferry Street as it is. Except walking.
ryanov t1_j11djkl wrote
Partly because people do legit 50 miles an hour down it, and it’s disgusting.
sutisuc t1_j1dl0wp wrote
Ferry needs to be fully pedestrianized and cars restricted between like union street and st stephens church
DrixxYBoat t1_j0w794k wrote
Doubtful this would ever happen due to us being in the bad timeline, however, it's an awesome idea