Submitted by Quantumbrotherlord t3_11op48k
Submitted by eucalyptushoney007 t3_11p3ypu
Submitted by Newarkguy1836 t3_11kvyr7
Submitted by kj_127 t3_11oagdr
Submitted by Jimmy_kong253 t3_11n6cun
Does Google not work in Newark? "If a major NJ newspaper had a reporter dedicated to covering government in this state’s largest city—especially one who knows how to use Google—perhaps news outlets from halfway across the world wouldn’t have had the story (re: Newark's sister city accident) first"
politico.comSubmitted by madsheb t3_11l4f4n
Submitted by au79_79 t3_11m3bd8
Submitted by eastaleph t3_11lwsju
Submitted by 66nexus t3_11f6lzs
Submitted by relativefluffy t3_11lgwil
Submitted by GhostOfRobertTreat t3_11hea73
Submitted by 1Pichi t3_11jcudo
Submitted by madsheb t3_11gyuod
The west-facing sides of the IDT building, 540 Broad Street (center) and 550 Broad Street (right). Baby's first attempts at masking and increasing exposure in Lightroom. The purple stained glass changed color throughout the night. Photo taken from the roof of the NJIT parking deck.
Submitted by MohnJaddenPowers t3_11gnke5
Submitted by Grand_Contact_7004 t3_11fb3pk
Submitted by waynesmith22 t3_11fm3nj
Tomorrow, beginning at approximately 8 p.m., rain with wind gusts of up to 33 mph, is expected with precipitation amounts of between 1” and 2” possible. The rain is expected to continue until 6 a.m. Saturday.
Submitted by MDNTNWK t3_11glby1
Submitted by MDNTNWK t3_11g7cl4
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11g5ukj
Submitted by felsonj t3_11barhr
Submitted by jj5ben77 t3_11dy8hy
For the First Time, A Single Family House in Newark Sells for $1M --- A boxing announcer who closed on the Delavan Ave. house this week said he searched for the perfect home for years all over NY and NJ but fell in love w/the Forest Hill neighborhood in Newark because of its location and its people.
tapinto.netSubmitted by madsheb t3_11cfaee
Submitted by madsheb t3_11e5yf1