Submitted by LateNightNewYork t3_10doiwr
Submitted by madsheb t3_10g58xo
Submitted by Echos_myron123 t3_10gky22
Submitted by the_stinkman t3_10iet4p
Submitted by madsheb t3_10g2ny0
Submitted by Particular_Clock4794 t3_10bx2ij
Submitted by irishseamstress t3_10fk2uj
Submitted by Ironboundian t3_10es4hy
Submitted by NewNewark t3_10982qi
Submitted by AnUglyUgly t3_10b4z8t
Submitted by DrixxYBoat t3_108k2hd
Anyone know what’s planned at the vacant lot next to the IDT garage on the corner of Lombardy and Atlantic? They brought an excavator on-site this week and started clearing and grubbing the space. Tried looking up permits online to get more info but no luck.
Submitted by plattypus412 t3_1098hi2
Submitted by Past_Cartographer230 t3_109duoj
Deaf's Delight Café in Newark, New Jersey (the only cafe in the NYC area devoted to the deaf community) is once again at risk of folding. Owner, Sandy Rivers, also says she's currently being evicted from her home apartment due to the money she's put into the café.
fox5ny.comSubmitted by madsheb t3_10at5ib
Submitted by [deleted] t3_108fgx3
Does anyone know what happened to the lady who lived on the corner of Peter Francisco Park ? She was there for what felt like years and just disappeared over the weekend. Hopefully they put her in a home
Submitted by Jimmy_kong253 t3_102bdxa
Submitted by poete_idris t3_104fxno
Submitted by Actual-Knee-1399 t3_104l7pp
Submitted by dentalcleanings123 t3_105byfi
Submitted by cmonsquelch t3_101knw8
Went for a lunch time walk around Newark Penn station because it was warm out and I've been staring at this water walkway for years and never got down to it. seems like a great spot yet nobody's ever here It has swinging benches and what looks like eventually will be vendor space
Submitted by Jimmy_kong253 t3_1038oz8