Recent comments in /f/Newark

Confident_Wonder1195 t1_jeaxejg wrote

Dude. You’d make my life complete. Like I’ve been dreaming never imagining something this would be possible.

I know it saying free but I’ll def toss u a few bucks. And not sure if I can do more in terms of writing reference letter re your work and putting you over. Bring a phone reference.

And also, if you wanted to maintain a loose relationship, I might soon have some stuff where I can pay you for some additional things.

Like if we can please somehow connect and talk today tonight - zoom, phone, discord - like I will go out of my way to reciprocate


Nwk_NJ t1_jeabh2z wrote

The lighting looks amazing. This is a huge building and much more of an addition than I initially realized. It adds a ton to the skyline and profile of the city. Will try to take a picture too. Hoping Shaq 2 lights up well too. Maybe national newark will one day relight and a few others, including halo, should brighten us up a bit.


DrixxYBoat t1_je9u838 wrote

This is very cool in terms of technology.

I do wish that this company was more active in the community, as this is the first time I've ever heard about them.

It would be great if they did tours for our students, however, I heavily doubt they care.

Corporate contracts, super close proximity to NYC, cheap, formerly industrial land, etc.

Hopefully they pay their rent unlike whole foods.