Recent comments in /f/Newark

Agile-Win-6615 t1_jeeumso wrote

In the winter time, the city allows the homeless population to sleep inside the station with heavy police oversight (as noted). Before the early commuting hours theyre all dispersed out and they tend to hang around a 3-4 block area radius of the station until the cold evening temperatures come around again. I understand it’s VERY jarring to encounter this as you arrive into the station, been there myself. It’s not a solution to the problem at hand of course; but it’s a humane gesture - having these people freeze to death outside would just strain our health services and emergency services. To some degree, this is the world we live in unfortunately and I don’t expect the number of homeless people in the tri-state to be going down anytime soon…


zovig t1_jees1r2 wrote

When I lived in Philly, I biked everywhere. In Newark, biking means putting your life in some crazy driver's hands and trying to ride over un-maintained streets. Seriously, I blew out like 3 tires in the first few months living here when I had never had to replace a tire anywhere else I lived. It's a shame.


Some-Mid t1_jeecllz wrote

I came up here when I was 25 and by then i’d already had my license for 10 years. People think being aggressive gives them the right away. Someone ran the stop sign on 22 and thank God I’m as good of a driver as i am. I was able to avoid them but i did make them following behind me the worst experience in their life