Submitted by krat051119 t3_11yltl7
Submitted by madsheb t3_ycnkq4
Submitted by JimmyTide08 t3_ycx911
Submitted by M1SSF1RE t3_ym503o
Submitted by au79_79 t3_yr0ibp
Submitted by SoberDragon1st t3_ysqrn6
Submitted by Kalebxtentacion t3_zdmox3
Submitted by helpmewrite99 t3_zk3mve
Submitted by [deleted] t3_101mnnf
Submitted by ReadProfessional5944 t3_108s4v0
Submitted by madsheb t3_10g2ny0
Submitted by Dramatic-Reenactment t3_10yd2xe
Heres this picture from last night's patrol too, not the best since my cameras not too good with Night-time shots, but I tried.
Submitted by MDNTNWK t3_11x32ug
Submitted by Objective-Object9423 t3_1245oi4
Submitted by _overzealousgiraffe t3_y9aoqk
They def gonna do a redesign, they should architecturally design it to match the surroundings buildings🤡😶🌫️🫡
Submitted by ya_boi_seabass t3_yjc8sv
Submitted by Kalebxtentacion t3_ykdfwf
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zcwvn1
Submitted by FaithlessnessThink94 t3_zqt35l
Does anyone know what happened to the lady who lived on the corner of Peter Francisco Park ? She was there for what felt like years and just disappeared over the weekend. Hopefully they put her in a home
Submitted by Jimmy_kong253 t3_102bdxa